Operações e Redes de Suprimentos

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

Siga o Programa na rede social:
Redes em operações globais. Redes de Suprimentos. Gestão de Operações e Redes de Suprimentos. Fluxos em Redes de Suprimentos. Estrutura de Redes de Suprimentos. Governança e Riscos em Redes de Suprimentos. As relações em Redes de Suprimentos, sustentabilidade em Redes de Produção e suprimentos. Tecnologia da Informação em Redes de Suprimentos. Possibilidades de pesquisas futuras em Redes de Suprimentos.
BARRATT, M. Understanding the meaning of collaboration in the supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 9, n. 1, p. 30-42, 2004, https://doi.org/10.1108/13598540410517566.
BORGATTI, S. P.; LI, X.  On social network analysis in a supply chain context. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 45, n. 2, abril 2009.
BRANSKI, R. M.; LAURINDO, J. B. L. F. Tecnologia da informação e integração das redes logísticas. Gest. Prod., São Carlos, v. 20, n. 2, p. 255-270, 2013.
FINGER, A. B. Movimentações das cadeias globais. GVExecutivo, v. 16, n. 6, nov./dez. 2017.
HERCZEG, G., AKKERMAN R.; HAUSCHILD M. Z. Supply chain collaboration in industrial symbiosis networks. Journal of Cleaner Production,  v. 171, p. 1058-1067, 2018.
KIMA, M.; CHAIB, S.  The impact of supplier innovativeness, information sharing and strategic sourcing on improving supply chain agility: Global supply chain perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, v.187, p. 42–52, 2017.
LAMBERT D. M.; ENZ, M. G. Issues in Supply Chain Management: Progress and potential. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 62,  p. 1–16, 2017.
MACHLINE, C. Cinco décadas de logística empresarial e administração da cadeia de suprimentos no Brasil. RAE, v. 51, n.3, maio/jun. 2011.
MARCHESINIA M. M. P.; ALCÂNTARA, R. L. C. Proposta de atividades logísticas na Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos (SCM). Production, v. 24, n. 2, p. 255-270, Apr./June 2014. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-65132013005000053.
MELO, D. C.; ALCÂNTARA, R. L. A gestão da demanda em cadeias de suprimentos: uma abordagem além da previsão de vendas.  G&P, v. 18, n. 4, p. 809-824, 2011.
MENTZER, J.T.; DeWITT,W.; KEEBLER, J.S.; MIN,S.; NIX, N.W.; SMITH, C.D.; ZACHARIA, Z.G. Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business Logistics, vol.22, n. 2, 2001.
MENTZER, J. T.; MOON, M. E. Understanding Demand. Supply Chain Management Review, v. 8, n. 4, 2004.
ROSCOE, S.; COUSINS P. D.; LAMMING R. C. Developing eco-innovations: a three-stage typology of supply networks. Journal of Cleaner Production,  v.112, p. 1948-1959, 2016.
SABAN, K; MAWHINNEY, J. R.; DRAKE, M. J. An integrated approach to managing extended supply chain networks. Business Horizons, v.60, p. 689-697, 2017.
SREEDEVI, R., SARANGA, H. Uncertainty and supply chain risk: The moderating role of supply chain flexibility in risk mitigation. International Journal of Production Economics, v.193, p. 332–342, 2017.
STEVENS, G. C.; JOHNSON, M. Integrating the Supply Chain … 25 years on. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, v.46, n. 1, p. 19-42, 2016.
BITRAN, G. R.; GURUMURTHI, S.; SAM, S. L. Emerging Trends in Supply Chain Governance. Cambridge: [s.n.].
CARTER, C. R.; ROGERS, D. S.; CHOI, T. Y. Toward the theory of the supply chain. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v.51, n. 2, p. 89–97, 2015.
CHOI, T. Y.; HONG, Y. Unveiling the structure of supply networks: Case studies in Honda, Acura, and DaimlerChrysler. Journal of Operations Management, v.20, n. 5, p. 469–493, 2002.
CINGOLANI, I.; IAPADRE, L.; TAJOLI, L. International production networks and the world trade structure. International Economics, v.153, p. 11-33, November 2017.
ERNST, D.; KIM, L. Global production networks, knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation. Research Policy, v.31, n. 8–9, p. 1417–1429, dez. 2002.
FORZA, C. Survey research in operations management: a process‐based perspective. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v.22, n. 2, p. 152–194, 2002.
KIM, Y. et al. Structural investigation of supply networks: A social network analysis approach. Journal of Operations Management, v.29, n. 3, p. 194–211, 2011.
LAMMING, R. et al. An initial classification of supply networks. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v.20, n.n. 6, p. 675–691, jun. 2000.
PILBEAM, C.; ALVAREZ, G.; WILSON, H. The governance of supply networks: a systematic literature review. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v.17, n. 4, p. 358–376, 2012.
RODRÍGUEZ-MONROY, C.; VILANA ARTO, J. R. Analysis of global manufacturing virtual networks in the aeronautical industry. International Journal of Production Economics, v.126, n. 2, p. 314–323, ago. 2010.
SPRING, M. Knowledge management in extended operations networks. Journal of Knowledge Management, v.7, n. 4, p. 29–37, 2003.
TACHIZAWA, E. M.; ALVAREZ-GIL, M. J.; MONTES-SANCHO, M. J. How smart cities will change supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v.20, n. 3, SI, p. 237–248, 2015.
TACHIZAWA, E. M.; WONG, C. Y. The Performance of Green Supply Chain Management Governance Mechanisms: A Supply Network and Complexity Perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v.51, n. 3, 2015.
VOSS, C.; TSIKRIKTSIS, N.; FROHLICH, M. Case Research in operations management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, v.22, n. 2, p. 195–219., 2002.
WU, Z.; PULLMAN, M. E. Cultural Embeddedness in Supply Networks. Journal of Operations Management, v.37, p. 45–58, 2015.
ZENG, S. X.; XIE, X. M.; TAM, C. M. Relationship between cooperation networks and innovation performance of SMEs. Technovation, v.30, n. 3, p. 181–194, 2010.