Projetos Sustentáveis

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

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Gestão de projetos tradicionais e ágeis. Sustentabilidade. Gestão de Projetos Sustentáveis. Indústria 4.0 e 5.0/Transformação Digital. Gestão de projetos sustentáveis e tecnológicos. Gestão das áreas de conhecimento/domínios de desempenho em Gestão de projetos sustentáveis e tecnológicos. Gestão das tecnologias habilitadoras da Indústria 4.0/Transformação Digital em Gestão de projetos sustentáveis e tecnológicos. Desempenho em projetos e gestão de projetos sustentáveis e tecnológicos.
Al Amri, T.; Puskas Khetani, K.; Marey-Perez, M. Towards Sustainable I4.0: Key Skill Areas for Project Managers in GCC Construction Industry. Sustainability, 13, 8121, 2021.
Bag, S. et al. Key resources for industry 4.0 adoption and its effect on sustainable production and circular economy - An empirical study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 281, 125233, 2021.
Bai, C. et al. Exploring the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on social sustainability through a circular economy approach. Industrial Market Management, 101, 176-190, 2022.
Beltrami, M. et al. Industry 4.0 and sustainability: Towards conceptualization and theory. Journal of Cleaner Production, 312 (2021) 127733, 2021.
Birkel, H.S. et al. Development of a Risk Framework for Industry 4.0 in the Context of Sustainability for Established Manufacturers. Sustainability, 11, 384, 2019. doi:10.3390/su11020384
Boschetti, G.; Sinico, T.; Trevisani, A. Improving Robotic Bin-Picking Performances through Human-Robot Collaboration. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5429.
Cabeças, A.; Da Silva, M.M. Project Management in the fourth industrial Revolution. International Technology Science and Society Review - Tecno Review, 9(2), 79-96, 2020.
De Almeida Barbosa Franco, J.; Domingues, A.M.; de Almeida Africano, N.; Deus, R.M.; Battistelle, R.A.G. Sustainability in the Civil Construction Sector Supported by Industry 4.0 Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities. Infrastructures, 7, 43, 1-23, 2022. doi:10.3390/infrastructures7030043
Dornelles, J.A.; Ayala, N.A., Frank, A.G. Collaborative or substitutive robots? Effects on workers’ skills in manufacturing activities, International Journal of Production Research, 61:22, 7922-7955, 2023 DOI:10.1080/00207543.2023.2240912
Fatimah, Y.A. et al. A. Industry 4.0 based sustainable circular economy approach for smart waste management system to achieve sustainable development goals: A case study of Indonesia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 269, 122263, 2020.
Frederico, G.F. Project Management for Supply Chains 4.0: A conceptual framework proposal based on PMBOK methodology. Operations Management Research, 14, 434-450, 2021. doi:10.1007/s12063-021-00204-0
Ghobakhloo, M.; Fathi, M.; Iranmanesh, M.; Maroufkhani, P.; Morales, M.E. Industry 4.0 ten years on: A bibliometric and systematic review of concepts, sustainability value drivers, and success determinants. Journal of Cleaner Production, 302, 127052, 2021.
Grabowska, S.; Saniuk, S.; Gajdzik, B. Industry 5.0: improving humanization and sustainability of Industry 4.0. Scientometrics, 127:3117-3144, 2022.
Kamble, S.S. et al. Achieving sustainable performance in a data-driven agriculture supply chain - A review for research and applications. International Journal of Production Economics, 219, 179-194, 2020.
Kamble, S. S.; Gunaseharanb, A.; Gawankara, S. A. Sustainable Industry 4.0 framework: A systematic literature review identifying the current trends and future perspectives. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117, 408-425, 2018.
Kralj, D.; Aralica, K. Safety at Work Within Industry 5.0 - QUO VADIS. Sigurnost 65 (3) 317 - 324, 2023.
Laskurain-Iturbe, I. et al. Exploring the influence of industry 4.0 technologies on the circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 321, 128944, 2021.
Mabkhot, M.M. et al. Mapping Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies into United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. Sustainability, 13, 2560, 2021.
Martens, M.L.; Carvalho, M.M. Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers' perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 35, 1084-1102, 2017.
Melnyk, L; Kubatko, O.; Matsenko, O.; Balatskyi, Y.; Serdyukov, K. Transformation of the human capital reproduction in line with Industries 4.0 and 5.0. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(2), 480-494, 2021. doi:10.21511/ppm.19(2).2021.38
Mourtzis, D.; Angelopoulos, J.; Panopoulos, N. The Future of the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) in Society 5.0. Future Internet 2023, 15, 162.
Mubarak, M.F. et al. How Industry 4.0 technologies and open innovation can improve green innovation performance. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 32, 5, 2021.
Nara, E.; Da Costa, M.; Baierle, I. et al. Expected impact of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable development: A study in the context of Brazil's plastic industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 25, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2020.07.018
Narula, S. et al. Applicability of industry 4.0 technologies in the adoption of global reporting initiative standards for achieving sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, 305, 27141, 2021.
Oláh, J. et al. Impact of Industry 4.0 on Environmental Sustainability. Sustainability, 12, 4674, 2020.
Podgórska, M. Challenges and Perspectives in Innovative Projects Focused on Sustainable Industry 4.0 - A Case Study on Polish Project Teams. Sustainability, 14, 5334, 2022.
Santos, G.; Sá, J.C.; Félix, M.J.; Barreto, L.; Carvalho, F.; Doiro, M.; Zgodavová, K.; Stefanovi´c, M. New Needed Quality Management Skills for Quality Managers 4.0. Sustainability 2021, 13, 6149.
Siddoo, V., Sawattawee, J., Janchai, W., Thinnukool, O. An exploratory study of digital workforce competency in Thailand. Heliyon, 5(5), e01723, 2019.
Stock, T., et al. Industry 4.0 as enabler for a sustainable development: A qualitative assessment of its ecological and social potential. Process safety and Environmental Protection, 118, 254-267, 2018.
Suarez-Fernandez de Miranda, S.; Aguayo-González, F.; Ávila-Gutiérrez, M.J.; Córdoba-Roldán, A. Neuro-Competence Approach for Sustainable Engineering. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 4389.
Tavares, M.C.; Azevedo, G.; Marques, R.P.; Bastos, M.A. Challenges of education in the accounting profession in the Era 5.0: A systematic review. Cogent Business & Management, 10:2, 2220198, 2023. DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2023.2220198
Thamhain, H. J. Managing Technology-Based Projects: Tools, Techniques, People and Processes. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014.
Turner, C.; Oyekan, J. Personalised Production in the Age of Circular Additive Manufacturing. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4912.
Vechota, J., et al. Critical Success Factors of the Project Management in Relation to Industry 4.0 for Sustainability of Projects, Sustainability, 13, 281, 2021.

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