- Ementa:
- Apresenta-se e discute-se a governança como conjunto de mecanismos de controle e incentivo de ações coletivas, organizando a estrutura e o modo de funcionamento das redes.
- Leitura obrigatória:
- Batory, A., Svensson, S.
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- Cui, C., Yi, H.
- What drives the performance of collaboration networks: A qualitative comparative analysis of local water governance in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v.17, n.6, 2020.
- Gesing, J. et al.
- Joining forces or going it alone? On the interplay among external collaboration partner types, interfirm governance modes, and internal R&D. Journal of Product Innovation Management, v.32, n.3, p. 424-440, 2015.
- Giglio, E., Ryngelblum, A., Jabbour, A.
- Relational governance in recycling cooperatives: A proposal for managing tensions in sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, v.260, 2020.
- Sorensen, E.; Torfing, J.
- Making governance networks effective and democratic through metagovernance. Public Administration, v.87, n.2, p. 234-258, 2009.