Indicações Bibliográficas

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

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BARNEY, J.; HESTERLY, W. (2010) Administração estratégica e vantagem competitiva. São Paulo: Pearson, 4ed..
BROWN, K., BERGUESS, J., FESTING, M., & ROYER, S. (2010). Value Adding Webs and Clusters: Concepts and Cases (Vol. 5). Rainer Hampp Verlag.
EASLEY, D.; KLEINBERG, J. (2010). Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World. Cambridge University Press.
TODEVA, E. (2006). Business networks: strategy and structure. Routledge.
WATSON, M. et al (2012). Supply Chain Network Design: Applying Optimization and Analytics to the Global Supply Chain. New Jersey: Pearson FT Press.
CASTELLS, M. A sociedade em rede. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1999.
NOHRIA, N.; ECCLES, R. Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form and Action. Boston: Harvard Business School, 1992.
GREENWOOD, et al. Sage Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. Los Angeles: Sage, 2008.
HÅKANSSON, H.; SNEHOTA, I. Developing Relationships in Business Networks, 1995.

BELLAMY, M.; GHOSH, S.; HORA, M. The influence of supply network structure on firm innovation. Journal of Operations Management, v. 32, n. 6, p. 357–373, 2014.
* CARTER, C. R.; ROGERS, D. S.; CHOI, T. Y. Toward the theory of the supply chain. Journal of Supply Chain Management, v. 51, n. 2, p. 89–97, 2015.
DANT, R., GRUNHAGEN, M. International Franchising Research: Some Thoughts on the What, Where, When, and How, Journal of Marketing Channels, 21 (1), 124-132, 2014.
ERNST, D.; KIM, L. Global production networks, knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation. Research Policy, v. 31, n. 8-9, p. 1417–1429, dez. 2002.
FERDOWS, K.; VEREECKE, A.; DE MEYER, A. Delayering the global production network into congruent subnetworks. Journal of Operations Management, v. 41, p. 63–74, dez. 2015.
* GRANDORI, A., SODA, G. Inter-firm networks: Antecedents, mechanism and forms. Organization Studies, 16 (2), 183-214, 1995.
* GRANOVETTER, M. Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness. American Journal of Sociology, 481-510, 1985.
* GULATI, R.; NOHRIA, N.; ZAHEER, A. Strategic Networks. Strategic Management Journal, 21, pp. 203-215, 2000.
JARILLO, J. On strategic networks, Strategic Management Journal, 9 (1), 31-41, 1988.
JENSEN, M.; MECKLING, W. Theory of the firm: managerial behaviour, agency costs, and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, v. 3, n.1, p. 305-360, 1976.
PATHAK, S. D.; WU, Z.; JOHNSTON, D. Toward a structural view of co-opetition in supply networks. Journal of Operations Management, v. 32, n. 5, p. 254–267, jul. 2014.
PENG, M., SUN, S., PINKHAM, B., CHEN, H. The institution-based view as a third leg for a strategy tripod. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23 (3), 63-81, 2009.
* PILBEAM, C.; ALVAREZ, G.; WILSON, H. The governance of supply networks: a systematic literature review. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, v. 17, n. 4, p. 358–376, 2012.
REICHHART, A.; HOLWEG, M. Co-located supplier clusters: forms, functions and theoretical perspectives. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 28, n. 1, p. 53–78, 2008.
RITTER, T.; GEMÜNDEN, H. G. Interorganizational relationships and networks. Journal of Business Research, v. 56, n. 9, p. 691–697, set. 2003.
* Grandori A. (1997) An organizational assessment of inter-firm coordination modes. Organization Studies, 18(6), p.897-925.
Greenwood, R., Raynard, M., Kodeih, F., Micelotta, E. R. e Lounsbury, M. (2011) Institutional Complexity and Organizational Responses. The Academy of Management Annals, 5 (1), p.317-371
Hargrav, T. J., Van de Ven, A. H. (2006) A collective action model of institutional innovation. Academy of Management Review, 31, p.864-888
* Jones, C.; Hesterly, W.; Borgatti, S. (1997) A general theory of network governance. The Academy of Management Review, 22 (4), oct., p.911-945.
Meyer, J. W. & Rowan, B. (1991) “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony” In: W. Powell & P. J. DiMaggio (eds.). The new institutionalism in organizational analysis. The University of Chicago Press.
Oliver, C. (1991) Strategic Responses to Institutional Processes. Academy of Management Review, 16 (1): 145-179.
Thornton, P. H.; Ocasio, W. Institutional Logics. (2008) The Sage Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism, p.99-129, ch.3.
* Zaheer, A.; Gozubuyuk, R.; Milanov, H. (2010) It’s the connections: the networks perspective in interorganizational research. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 24 (1), feb., p. 62-77.