Processo Seletivo - Vagas Remanescentes

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

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Academic Year 2024 (second semester)

The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration, at Master's and Doctorate levels, announces the opening of applications for the selection of candidates to fill remaining vacancies for the second semester of the 2024 academic year, on June 25 on July 29, 2024.

Check out the notice - Remaining Vacancies PDF

The Master's Degree in Business Administration requires the accomplishment of ANPAD testing (, which assesses the training in Portuguese, English, in addition to logical, quantitative and analytical reasoning.

Application will be made online only.

The candidate must submit the following documents:

  • Copy of identity card or other nationally valid identification document for Brazilian candidates;
  • Copy of birth or marriage certificate;
  • Copy of CPF;
  • Copy of the academic record of the undergraduate course (s);
  • Double-sided copy of the diploma (s) of the undergraduate course (s), registered, of a course recognized by the MEC;
  • Double-sided copy of the master's degree diploma, for PhD candidates;
  • Copy of the Master's Course Transcript, for PhD candidates;
  • Lattes Curriculum updated less than 6 (six) months ago;
  • Document supporting the ANPAD Test, valid for 2 (two) years - mandatory for PhD candidates;

Masters candidates who do not have the supporting document for the ANPAD Test may submit the Research Pre-Project with up to 03 (three) pages containing the research theme, objective, question or problem, theoretical framework and justification. In this case, the successful candidates must sign, in the enrollment, a term committing themselves to carry out the next edition of the ANPAD Test.

  • Candidates for the Doctorate approved for the third stage - written evaluation - must present the pre-project until the date until the date of accomplishment of this stage. The pre-project must contain a maximum of 20 (twenty) pages (double-spaced and Times New Roman size 12); cover with research title and name of the candidate, and the following structure: a) title; b) summary; c) introduction, presenting a research problem; d) justification; e) theoretical foundation; f) proposed methodological procedures; g) execution schedule and h) bibliographic references.
  • Proof of proficiency, for Doctoral candidates, provided by an officially recognized body, in a foreign language other than the one evaluated in the Master's.
  • In the absence of official attestation at the time of registration, proficiency can be proven until the Qualification Exam;
  • Registration fee in the amount of R $ 45.00 (*);
  • Copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee.

Foreign candidates must submit as well:

  • Copy of the National Register of Foreigners (RNE) or evidentiary document as regards regular residence in Brazil;
  • CELPE-BRAS Certificate of sufficiency in Portuguese language ( May be accepted the protocol of enrollment in the examination.

Candidates who attended undergraduate or Master's degrees in foreign institutions must submit the following documents:

  • Copy of academic transcript and duly revalidated graduation course diploma, according to current legislation, except in the case of international agreements, provided that they are incorporated by Brazil;
  • Copy of academic record and Master's degree, duly recognized by a Brazilian program recognized by CAPES, for Doctoral candidates.

(*) The enrollment fee shall be payable by bank payment slip generated in the end of filling out an on-line enrollment form. The bank payment slip shall not be paid in the treasury department of UNIP. If there is any problem generating or paying the invoice, contact the Program Secretary

Applicants must send digital copies of the documents, in PDF format, to the email: Only legible copies and original sizes will be accepted.

In case of approval in the selective process, all documents shall have its originals submitted at the time of enrollment.

It shall not be accepted enrollments with partial delivery of the documentation or illegible documents and that do not meet strictly the provisions established herein.

The selection of the Master's Degree comprises:

Stage I – Registration and Document Delivery
Registration will only be validated upon payment of the bank slip and sending of complete documentation within the stipulated deadline. Validation is done via confirmation email sent to the candidate.

Stage II - CV Analysis (Elimination)
Master's and Doctorate candidates will have their CVs evaluated, considering the following dimensions: Academic training (improvement courses, lato sensu postgraduate and stricto sensu postgraduate courses); Scientific Production (articles at conferences, articles in scientific journals, scientific initiation projects, among others); Academic Professional Experience.

Master's Candidates:
a) with less than 200 points in the ANPAD Test, or without a score in it, are subject to CV analysis. Successful candidates proceed to Stage III – Written Assessment.
b) with 201 to 300 points in the ANPAD Test, they go straight to Stage III - Written Assessment.
c) with more than 300 points in the ANPAD Test, or who have a favorable opinion in the evaluation of the Research Project, automatically proceed to Stage IV - Interview.

Stage III – Written Assessment (Eliminatory)
Text in English on the topic in the area, with questions to be answered in Portuguese.
The use of a printed dictionary is permitted.
Successful candidates proceed to Stage IV - Interview.

Stage IV - Interview (Elimination)
Interview with those approved, according to the criteria of Stages II and III.

At the discretion of the Program Committee, the stages of the Selection Process may be carried out remotely, through videoconferencing or other synchronous sound and image transmission technology.

From June 25th to July 29th, 2024
Registration will only be validated upon payment of the bank slip and sending of complete documentation within the stipulated deadline.

July 31, 2024 (Wednesday), starting at 2:00 PM – Announcement of those approved for Stage III (less than 200 points or no score in the ANPAD Test) and for Stage IV (more than 300 points in the ANPAD Test).

August 1, 2024 (Thursday), at 10:00 AM – Written exam.
August 1, 2024 (Thursday), starting at 6:00 PM – Announcement of candidates approved for Stage IV – Interview.

August 2, 2024 (Friday), starting at 9:00 AM - Interview with candidates directly approved in Stage II (more than 300 points in the ANPAD Test or a favorable evaluation in the Research Project assessment) and with candidates approved in Stage III.

IMPORTANT: The tests and interviews will be carried out remotely, through video conferencing, using the Microsoft Teams platform. The access link will be sent by email to candidates selected for these stages.

August 2, 2024 (Friday), from 6 pm – Announcement of those approved

Registration must be made, in person, at the Program Secretariat, on August 5, 2024, at which time the candidate must:

1 - Submit the following original documents:

  • Identity Card or other identity document with national validity for Brazilian candidates;
  • CPF (Individual Taxpayer);
  • Birth or Marriage Certificate;
  • Graduation Course Diploma of course recognized by MEC, registered;
  • School History of the Undergraduate Course recognized by MEC;
  • Diploma of the Master Course in course recommended by CAPES, registered, for candidates to the Doctorate;
  • School History of the Master's Course in a course recommended by CAPES, candidates for the Doctorate;
  • 2 3x4 photographs (recent);

Foreign candidates must submit as well:

  • National Register of Foreigners (RNE) or evidentiary document as regards regular residence in Brazil;
  • CELPE-BRAS Certificate of sufficiency in Portuguese language. May be accepted the protocol of enrollment in the examination.

Candidates that have a degree or Master degree in foreign institutions must submit the following documents:

  • Academic transcript and diploma of the undergraduate course duly revalidated, according to the current legislation, except in the case of international agreements, provided they are incorporated by Brazil.
  • School transcript and Master's degree, duly recognized by a Brazilian program recognized by the CAPES, for candidates for the Doctorate.

2 - Sign the Contract for Provision of Educational Services.
3 - Make the choice of the subjects to be studied in the semester.
4 - Take the bank payment slip for the payment of the registration.

Address of the Postgraduate Secretariat (Stricto Sensu) of UNIP:
Rua Dr. Bacelar, 1212 - 4th floor - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP
ZIP CODE 04026-002
Opening Hours: from Monday to Friday (except holidays), from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Secretary of the Program: Aline Nascimento
Telephone: (+55 11) 5586-4040

August 6, 2024 (Tuesday)

The Administration Program has PROSUP scholarships offered by CAPES, with applications until July 31, 2024. The Selection Notice is available on the Program page, at: Access the file of Notice 2024/2 - Selection of PROSUP/CAPES Scholarships.