Academic Achievements

Laboratory of Production and Environment

Signatories to the International P + L Declaration

Since 2005, Universidade Paulista and the Graduate Program in Production Engineering have been signatories to the UNEP International Declaration on Cleaner Production (United Nations Environment Program). This implies an institutional commitment to Cleaner Production and opens the possibility of joint work with UNEP. The adhesion of the Post-Graduation Program in Production Engineering and the consequent exchange with UNEP, keep the Program updated with modern international environmental and sustainability practices.

International Declaration of São Paulo and Sanya

In 2017 and 2019, respectively, in São Paulo (Brazil) and Sanya (China), UNIP together with its academic partners, through the Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN), promoted the International Declarations: OUR VISION AND THE NEXT 40 YEARS OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. Both Statements are on the ACPN website and are the commitment of researchers from approximately 180 research and teaching institutions spread across 5 continents. OUR VISION is the result of the survey, made by the ACPN members at the International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP 2017) of the TEN-year anniversary of the accomplishments in TEN years and the ones to be made in the TEN years to come.

The signing ceremony of the International Declaration of Sanya (THE NEXT 40 YEARS OF CLEANER PRODUCTION) was part of the third and final day of the IWACP 2019, in Sanya (China) between November 13th and 15th. The Declaration had, as its signatories, during the ceremony, representatives of the ACPN: Biagio F. Giannetti (Universidade Paulista, Founder and General Chairman of ACPN), Zhifeng Yang (Chinese Academy of Engineering), Changbo Zhou (China National Cleaner Production Center/Ministry of Environmental Protection), Yutao Wang (Fudan University and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production), Cecilia M.V.B. Almeida (Universidade Paulista and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production), Gang Liu (University of Southern Denmark), Linda Hancock (Deakin University), Lei Shi (Tsinghua University), Giovanni Baiocchi (Maryland University), and Gengyuan Liu (Beijing Normal University).

Organização do International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production

The researchers from LaProMA organize the International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production. In 2024, the event will be held in the city of Curitiba, in partnership with the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR).

Publishers of the Journal of Cleaner Production

As guest editors of the Journal of Cleaner Production, LaProMA researchers organized ten special issues of the journal, containing research and success stories in cleaner production by Brazilian researchers. Click here pfor access to the special numbers.

With the success of the publications carried out jointly, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cleaner Production, Dr. Donald Huisingh, made two invitations to LaProMA researchers:

  1. Make special numbers containing the best works of each edition of the International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production
  2. Two researchers from the group would integrate the Editorial Board and a researcher would be part of the Editorial Board for Content of the Journal of Cleaner Production.

Researches Accomplished

A representative number of students in the Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering have developed research in Cleaner Production and Industrial Ecology. Among the completed surveys, the following stand out:

Economia Circular e Opções da Hierarquia de Recuperação de Alimentos aplicadas na Gestão de Subprodutos orgânicos em Centros de Distribução de Alimentos, 2023. Doutorado em Engenharia de Federico Sulis. [Tese]

Using circular economy indicators to assess sustainability in ASEAN, Mercosur and the European Union, 2022. PhD in Engineering by Luiz Carlos Terra dos Santos. [Tese]

Combining Model 5 SEnSU with Canvas to assess the sustainability of the textile sector: a case study, 2022. Doctorate in Engineering by Cristhiane Eliza dos Santos. [Tese]

Food acquisition in Brazil: ternary emergy diagram for decision making, 2022. Master in Engineering by Cristiano Agenor Turin. [Dissertação]

Smart and Sustainable Cities: An Analysis of Correlations and Dependent Variables, 2022. Master in Engineering by Pedro Luiz Cypriano Pierucci. [Dissertação]

Assessment of poverty traps in Brazilian Federative Units: method based on emergy and sustainability model of the five sectors, 2022. Master in Engineering by Glauco Antônio do Nascimento. [Dissertação]

Evaluation of the Sustainability of Countries using Accounting in Emergy and Ternary Diagram in Emergy, 2022. Doctorate in Engineering by Adrielle Frimaio da Silva. Tese

Student Sustainability Assessment Model: Ecological Footprint-Happiness-Academic Performance, 2021. Doctorate in Engineering by Marcos José Alves Pinto Júnior. Thesis

Commercialization of Brazilian Soy: Evaluation in Emergia,, 2021. Master in Engineering by Cláudia Roberta Carneiro Leão Martins. Dissertation

Proposal for a Quantitative and Integrated Model for Assessment of the Nexus between Food, Energy and Water in Municipalities, 2021. Master's Degree in Engineering by Arno Pedro Clasen. Dissertation

Application of the ASUPRO procedure based on Geographic Information Systems in the Assessment of Sustainability in Regions, 2021. Doctorate in Engineering by Márcio Costa. Thesis

Environmental Performance Assessment of Hydrogen Production and Use as an Energy Source in Urban Buses, 2021. Master's Degree in Euclides Serafim Silva. Dissertation

Evaluation in Emerging (Emergia) of the Flower and Ornamental Plant Production Chain, 2020. Master's degree in Engineering by Rute Hatsue Oji Wada. Dissertation

Measuring Inequalities to Sustainably Overcome the Poverty Traps of Nations: The Case of Mozambique, 2019. Master in Engineering of Estevão Salvador Langa. Dissertation PDF

Proposed Procedure for Assessing the Sustainability of Operations and Production Processes (ASUPRO): Soy Transportation in Brazil as a Case Study, 2019. PhD in Engineering from Thames Richard Silva. Thesis

Chemical Footprint of Dioxins and Furans in Brazil: Costs and Vulnerability of the Population, 2019. Master in Engineering by Pedro Henrique Bolanho Simões. Dissertation

Optimization of Companies' Financial and Environmental Resources: Activity-Based Costing Proposal, 2019. Heitor Feitoza Marinho Neto. Dissertation

Comparison of the Indicators from the Sustainability Report of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to Sustainability Index (YLR), 2018. Patrícia Lagranha do Amaral Masters Degree in Engineering. Dissertation PDF

Accounting in Emerging Jeans Supply Chain, 2018. Eduardo Ferreira Blatt Masters Degree in Engineering.. Dissertation PDF

Cleaner Production Applied to the Garment Industry Washing Process: Multimetric Assessment of Economic and Environmental Feasibility, 2017. Masters in Engineering of Rimena Canuto Oliveira. Dissertation PDF

Utilization of the Green Coconut Bark in the Elaboration of Briquettes: A Study on Economic and Environmental Feasibility, 2017. Masters in Engineering of Gorthon Lima Moritz. Dissertation PDF

Accounting in Emergy of the Implementation of the Light for All Program in the State of Piauí, 2017. Masters in Engineering of Jaciara Carvalho de Souza Oliveira. Dissertation PDF

Analysis of Environmental Value Determinations Emerging from the Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Production System, 2017. Masters in Engineering of Gustavo Bustamante Vargas. Dissertation PDF

Verification of Environmental Accounting Assumptions in Emergy: Hierarquia de Energia, Transformidade e Robustez, 2017. Doctorate in Engineering of Maria de Fátima de Freitas Bueno Marcílio. Thesis PDF

Evaluation of the Environmental Efficiency of Happiness in a São Paulo Community, 2017. Doctorate in Engeering of Rose Reis de Souza. Thesis PDF

Brazil's Economic, Environmental and Social Performance: From 2012 to 2022, Under the Perspective of Government Plans, 2017. Doctorate in Engineering of Luciana Faria. Thesis PDF

Assessment of the Sustainability of Milk Production in the South of Minas Gerais: Subsidies for Regional Strategic Planning, 2017. Doctorate in Engineering of Max Wilson de Oliveira. Thesis PDF

Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of Different Scenarios for the Treatment of Urban Solid Waste in Brazilian Municipalities, 2017. Doctorate in Engineering of Geslaine Frimaio da Silva. Thesis PDF

Environmental Assessment of Workstations in the Orange Juice Production Chain, 2017. Master in Engineering of Adrielle Frimaio da Silva. Dissertation PDF

Energy-Environmental Assessment of Wind Power Generation in Chapada do Piauí, 2016. Master in Engineering of Marcio Costa. Dissertation PDF

Environmental Accounting of a Small Auto Parts Manufacturer in the State of São Paulo, 2015. Master in Engineering of Nilson de Carvalho. Dissertation PDF

Energy-Environmental Assessment of Data Centers: Traditional Computing versus Cloud Computing, 2015. Master in Engineering of André Amaral Di Salvo. Dissertation PDF

Accounting in Emerging Technical Courses in Face-to-face Administration and Distance Learning at IFSULDEMINAS, 2015. Master in Engineering of José Hugo de Oliveira. Dissertation PDF

Environmental Accounting of an English School Located in the South of Minas Gerais-Brazil, 2015. Master in Engineering of Daniel Moreira Lupinacci. Dissertation PDF

Environmental and Economic Accounting for the Reduction in the Consumption of Drinking Water and the Use of Rainwater in the Subprefecture Capela do Socorro - São Paulo, 2014. Master in Engineering of Roberto Castro de Moura Coelho. Dissertation PDF

Emerging Assessment of Hydroelectricity Generation in Conventional Power Plants and Stranded Water Model: Case Study, 2013. Doctorate in Engineering of Celso Aurélio Tassinari. Thesis PDF

Decomposition Analysis in Emerging Agribusiness: Sustainability and Global Productivity, 2013. Doctorate in Engineering of Alexandre Daliberto Frugoli. Thesis PDF

Municipal Parks of São Paulo: Environmental Accounting in Emergia, 2013. Doctorate in Engineering of Mirtes Vitória Mariano. Thesis PDF

Study of Environmental Sustainability of ABC Paulista using Emergy Synthesis, 2013. Doctorate in Engineering of Fábio Sevegnani. Thesis PDF

Environmental Assessment of the Construction of Buildings of Social Interest in Brazil, 2012. Doctorate in Engineering of Jorge Creso Cutrim Demetrio. Thesis PDF

Contribution to Sectorial Ranking of the Environmental Dimension of the BM & FBOVESPA ISE, 2012. Doctorate in Engineering of Carlos Alberto Di Agustini. Thesis PDF

Comparative Study of Emergy Indices and Usual Sustainability Indicators, 2012. Doctorate in Engineering of Pedro Américo Frugoli. Thesis PDF

Environmental Accounting for the Selective Collection Process in the City of Sorocaba, 2012. Master in Engineering of Gislaine Vilas Boas Simões. Dissertation PDF

Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Brazil with Emerging Accounting, 2011. Doctorate in Engineering of Fernando Jorge Cutrim Demétrio. Thesis PDF

Environmental Accounting of Agricultural Production Systems and Ecosystem Services in the Cerrado of Lucas do Rio Verde - MT, 2011. Doctorate in Engineering of Lilian Patrícia Vendrametto. Thesis PDF

San João Landfill: Study of Environmental Indicators in Emergia, 2011. Master in production engineering of Geslaine Frimaio da Silva. Dissertation PDF

Study of Water Treatment Plants based on Synthesis in Emergia, 2011. Master in production engineering of Pedro José Gabriel Ferreira. Dissertation PDF

Emerging Environmental Accounting in the Construction of the Formula UNIP Prototype, 2011. Master in Engineering of Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Lima. Dissertation PDF

Construction Evaluation Using Environmental Accounting in Emergia, 2010. Master in production engineering of José Guilherme Azevedo Carvalho. Dissertation PDF

Emerging accounting of undergraduate courses at Universidade Paulista: Engineering, pharmacy and administration, 2010. Master in production engineering of Ana Paula Zaccaria dos Santos. Dissertation PDF

Contribution to the assessment of environmental impacts caused by hydroelectricity generation in the Amazon, 2010. Master in production engineering of Douglas Wittmann. Dissertation PDF

Study of environmental sustainability in different tilapia farming systems, 2009. Master in production engineering of José Luiz Pierobom. Dissertation PDF

Evaluation of environmental load and costs in a commercial bamboo plantation: Study of final product alternatives and resource substitution, 2009. Master in production engineering of Luiz Ghelmandi Netto Dissertation PDF

Emerging evaluation for decision making in replacing tin and lead based solders, 2009. Master in production engineering of Marco Antônio Madureira. Dissertation PDF

Environmental accounting and ecodesign: Assessment of the environmental burden of beverage packaging production in Brazil, 2009. Master in production engineering of Antonio José Monteiro Rodrigues. Dissertation PDF

Study of the environmental sustainability of coffee production - With the use of accounting in emergia, 2009. Master in production engineering of Yoshisuke Ogura. Dissertation PDF

Study of the environmental sustainability of the commercial cultivation of giant bamboo: Production of stems and shoots, 2008. Master in production engineering of Rodrigo Luiz Guarnetti. Dissertation PDF

Study of environmental sustainability in obtaining fibers and blankets from sisal and curauá, 2008. Master in production engineering of Angela Maria Neis. Dissertation PDF

Environmental accounting applied to zinc and metal organo coating processes in metal fasteners: A case study, 2007. Master in production engineering of José Fernando Faro. Dissertation PDF

Case study of domestic wastewater treatment systems using environmental indicators, 2006. Master in production engineering of Carlos Cézar da Silva. Dissertation PDF

Environmental analysis on the emergence of water reuse in bus washing, 2005. Master in production engineering of Devanil Borges Junior. Dissertation PDF

Financial and emerging analysis in decision making in tannery recycling units, 2005. Master in production engineering of Luciano César Moraes. Dissertation PDF

Study of the use of direct and indirect resources in the collection of solid urban waste, 2005. Master in production engineering of Eli Santos Araújo. Dissertation PDF

Syringe life cycle for dental injection in Brazil: inventory and improvement analysis, 2004. Master in production engineering of Celso Munhoz Ribeiro. Dissertation PDF

Selective collection of long-life packaging: an experience of the community of Jardim Ângela and Atibaia, 2004. Master in production engineering of Milton Francisco Júnior.

Graphical tool for environmental analysis in emergia: environmental assessment and decision making, 2004. Master in production engineering of Flavio Augusto Barrella.

Implementation of an environmental performance improvement program in a semi-jewelry company, 2004. Master in production engineering of Izabel Roberta Silva. Dissertation PDF

Complete Articles Published in Journals

Dynamics of ecosystem services and nonlinear responses to increased anthropogenic pressure. Ambio, 2024 Artigo PDF

Correlation between sustainability and smartness indicators in Brazilian cities: insights from the 5SenSu model. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2024 Artigo PDF

Unlocking the potential of municipal solid waste: Emergy accounting applied in a novel biorefinery. Ecological Modelling, 2024 [Artigo] PDF

Value stream mapping for sustainability: A management tool proposal for more sustainable companies.Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2024 Artigo PDF

Advancing towards circular economy: Environmental benefits of an innovative biorefinery for municipal solid waste management. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2024 Artigo PDF

Spatio-temporal evolution and driving factors of regulating ecosystem service value: a case study of Poyang Lake Area, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024 [Article] PDF

Environmental performance of bamboo-based office paper production: A comparative study with eucalyptus. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024 [Article] PDF

Providing decision-support for sustainable development of the Brazilian automotive textile sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024 [Article] PDF

Urban constructed wetlands: Assessing ecosystem services and disservices for safe, resilient, and sustainable cities. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2023 [Article] PDF

Hidden Costs Associated with Smallholder Family-Based Broiler Production: Accounting for the Intangibles, Sustainability, 2023 Article PDF

High-frequency sectoral carbon and environmental analysis based on monthly input-output tables compilation during 2018-2021, iScience, 2023 Article PDF

Sustainability dynamics of the Brazilian MATOPIBA region between 1990-2018: Impacts of agribusiness expansion, Applied Geography, 2023 Article PDF

How robust are current narratives to deal with the urban energy-water-land nexus?, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023 Article PDF

Construction of carbon budget balance index and its application in the lake area., Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023 Article PDF

Spatiotemporal differentiation and mechanism of anthropogenic factors affecting ecosystem service value in the Urban Agglomeration around Poyang Lake, China. Ecological Indicators, 2023 Article PDF

A quantitative assessment model for students' sustainability: evidence from a Peruvian university.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2023 Article PDF

A multi-criteria approach to assess interconnections among the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of circular economy.Environmental Accounting and Management, 2023 Article PDF

Unfolding carbon inequality across Belt and Road Initiative countries and regions under a global trade network.Ecological Modelling, 2023 Article PDF

The results of academic works have been published in the international magazine with the greatest impact on Cleaner Production, the Journal of Cleaner Production, and in other renowned journals, of regional and international circulation, among which are:

Integrating Environmental, Social, and Economic Dimensions to Monitor Sustainability in the G20 Countries. Sustainability, 2023 Article PDF

Sustainability Assessment of Intensification Levels of Brazilian Smallholder Integrated Dairy-Crop Production Systems: An Emergy and Economic-Based Decision Approach. Sustainability, 2023 Article PDF

Environmental performance for hydrogen locally produced and used as an energy source in urban buses. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 Article PDF

A resilient and sustainable world: Contributions from cleaner production, circular economy, eco-innovation, responsible consumption, and cleaner waste systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 Article PDF

Overcoming poverty traps in Mozambique: Quantifying inequalities among economic, social and environmental capitals, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 Article PDF

How has the sustainability of countries changed after COVID-19? Evidence from the pandemics' first year, Science of the Total Environment, 2023 Article PDF

Perceived value versus real value: Why can investors in sustainable companies fail in their mission? Cleaner Production Letters, 2022 Article PDF

Application of paraconsistent logic to support the decision on the return of face-to-face academic activities at the university after Covid-19. Research, Society and Development, 2022 Article PDF

Determination of an Atmospheric Condition Index with Evidential Annotated Paraconsistent Logic Tools. Research, Society and Development, 2022 Article PDF

Sustainable Resilience Degree assessment of the textile industrial by size: Incremental change in cleaner production practices considering circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 Article PDF

Sustainability comparison of commercial Brazilian organic and conventional broiler production systems under a 5SENSU model perspective Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 Article PDF

The Ecological Footprint of Happiness: A Case Study of a Low-Income Community in the City of São Paulo, Brazil, Sustainability, 2022 Article PDF

Shaping cities: A proposal for an integrative FEW nexus model, Environmental Science and Policy, 2022 Article PDF

Using the five sectors sustainability model to verify the relationship between circularity and sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 Article PDF

Valuation of losses and damages resulting from the Fundao's dam failure: An emergy perspective. Ecological Modelling, 2022 Article PDF

Sustainability Analysis of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant through Emergy Evaluation, Sustainablity, 2022 Article PDF

Prioritizing Cleaner Production Actions towards Circularity: Combining LCA and Emergy in the PET Production Chain. Sustainability, 2022 Article PDF

Enhancing the Assessment of Cleaner Production Practices for Sustainable Development: The Five-Sector Sustainability Model Applied to Water and Wastewater Treatment Companies. Sustainability, 2022 Article PDF

Sustainability assessment of commercial Brazilian organic and conventional broiler production systems under an Emergy analysis perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 Article PDF

What Makes Cities Sustainable? Empirical Evidence from a Brazilian Context. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2022 Article PDF

Assessment of ecological restoration projects under water limits: Finding a balance between nature and human needs. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022 Article PDF

The Ecological Value of Typical Agricultural Products: An Emergy-Based Life-Cycle Assessment Framework. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022 Article PDF

Environmental Accounting of the Yellow-Tail Lambari Aquaculture: Sustainability of Rural Freshwater Pond Systems. Sustainability, 2022 Article PDF

Industry 4.0 implementation: The relevance of sustainability and the potential social impact in a developing country. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 Article PDF

What Are the Stimuli to Change to a Sustainable Post-COVID-19 Society? Sustainability, 2021 Article PDF

Economic and Environmental Assessment Using Emergy of Sheep Production in Brazil. Sustainability, 2021 Article PDF

Assessment and Sectorial Projection of the Santiago de Cuba Province. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2021 Article PDF

Energy constrains to increasing complexity in the biosphere. The Innovation, 2021 Article PDF

Widening Cleaner Production Scope and Targets: From Local to Global Initiaives. Journal in Cleaner Production, 2021 Article PDF

Recognizing the wealth of non-marketable food in distribution centres: The environmental benefits of donation. Journal in Cleaner Production, 2021 Article PDF

Sustainable industries: Production planning and control as an ally to implement strategy. Journal in Cleaner Production, 2021 Article PDF

Individual-level characteristics of environmental sustainability among students in a higher education institution: the role of happiness and academic performance. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2021 Article PDF

Six sigma with the blue economy fundamentals to assess the economic and environmental performance in the aircraft refueling process. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021 Article PDF

Sustainability assessment of agriculture production systems in Pakistan: A provincial-scale energy-based evaluation. Ecological Modelling, 2021 Article PDF

How the Global Initiative Report’s Indicators are Related to the Strong Sustainability Concept? - A Paraconsistent Approach. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2021 Article PDF

Assessing the sustainability of rice production in Brazil and Cuba. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2021Article PDF

Evaluación de la Sostenibilidad de la Matriz Productiva del Ecuador. Ingeniería Industrial, 2021 Article PDF

Assessing cities growth-degrowth pulsing by emergy and fractals: A methodological proposal. Cities, 2021 Article PDF

Beyond a Sustainable Consumption Behavior: What Post-pandemic World Do We Want to Live in?. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2021 Article PDF

LEAP-WEAP analysis of urban energy-water dynamic nexus in Beijing (China). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021 Article PDF

Integrating or Des-integrating agribusiness systems: Outcomes of emergy evaluation. Science of the Total Environment, 2020 Article PDF

Evaluating producers as resource consumers and alternative consumption patterns: Outcomes from emergy synthesis of the jeans supply chain. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 2020 Article PDF

Environmental-social-economic footprints of consumption and trade in the Asia-Pacific region. Nature, 2020 Article PDF

Environmental impacts characterization of packaging waste generated by urban food delivery services. A big-data analysis in Jing-Jin-Ji region (China). Waste Management, 2020 Article PDF

Cleaner production for achieving the sustainable development goals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020 Article PDF

Enzo Tiezzi, turning pioneering into modern ideas: tempos, Ecodynamics and sustainable economy. Ecological Modelling, 2020 Article PDF

Conceptual Analysis on the Way Brazilian Cities Work: A Macroscope View Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2020 Article PDF

Insights on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals scope: Are they aligned with a ‘strong’ sustainable development? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020 Article PDF

Construcción de la Matriz Insumo Producto de la Provincial Esmeraldas, República del Ecuador. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2020 Article PDF

From payments for ecosystem services to eco-compensation: Conceptual change or paradigm shift?. Science of the Total Environment, 2020 Article PDF

Emergy-based ecosystem services valuation and classification management applied to China’s grasslands. Ecosystem Services, 2020 Article PDF

Sustainability as a Strategy for the Commons. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2019 Article PDF

Assessing Footwear Factories Under Emergy And Material Flow Accounting Tools After Implementing Cleaner Production Practices. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2019 Article PDF

Calibration of a Questionnaire for Evaluation of Happiness. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2019 Article PDF

Donor-side evaluation of coastal and marine ecosystem services. Water Resoures, 2019 Article PDF

Agricultural landscape modification and land food footprint from 1970 to 2010: A case study of Sardinia, Italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

Emergy-based valuation of agriculture ecosystem services and dis-services. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

Overcoming the Myths of Mainstream Economics to Enable a New Wellbeing Economy. Sustainability, 2019 Article PDF

Editorial: Perspectives on energy futures, environment and wellbeing. Energy Policy, 2019 Article PDF

Howard Odum's "Self-organization, transformity and information": Three decades of empirical evidence. Ecological Modelling, 2019 Article PDF

Study on the emergy-based thermodynamic geography of the Jing-Jin-Ji region: Combined multivariate statistical data with DMSP-OLS nighttime lights data. Ecological Modelling, 2019 Article PDF

Cleaner Production in small companies: Proposal of a management methodology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

Sustainability assessment procedure for operations and production processes (SUAPRO). Science of the Total Environment, 2019 Article PDF

Five sector sustainability model: A proposal for assessing sustainability of production systems. Ecological Modelling, 2019 Article PDF

Emergy accounting as a support for a strategic planning towards a regional sustainable milk production. Agricultural Systems, 2019 Article PDF

Emergy-based accounting method for aquatic ecosystem services valuation: A case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

Ten years working together for a sustainable world, dedicated to the 6th IWACP: Introductory article. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

The sustainability of the Italian water sector: An empirical analysis by DEA. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

Is technology optimism justified? A discussion towards a comprehensive narrative. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

LEED certification as booster for sustainable buildings: Insights for a Brazilian context. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019 Article PDF

A comprehensive review of big data analytics throughout product lifecycle to support sustainable smart manufacturing: A framework, challenges and future research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 Article PDF

International perspectives on the pedagogy of climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

Exploring the potential of urban park size for the provision of ecosystem services to urban centres: A case study in São Paulo, Brazil. Building and Environment, 2018 Article PDF

Implications of Land-Grabbing on the Ecological Balance of Brazil. Resources, 2018 Article PDF

Human-nature nexuses in Brazil: Monitoring production of economic and ecosystem services in historical series. Ecosystems Services, 2018 Article PDF

Decision making under the environmental perspective: Choosing between traditional and distance teaching courses. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

Comparing costs and supply of supporting and regulating services provided by urban parks at different spatial scales. Ecosystem Services, 2018 Article PDF

Emergy-based comparative analysis of urban metabolic efficiency and sustainability in the case of big and data scarce medium-sized cities: A case study for Jing-Jin-Ji region (China). Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

A framework of actions for strong sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

Driving competitive advantage through energy efficiency in Mexican maquiladoras. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

Assessment of environmental sustainability indexes of water supply and sewage treatment companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA. Gestão & Produção, 2018 Article PDF

Activity-Based Costing Using Multicriteria Drivers: An Accounting Proposal to Boost Companies Toward Sustainability. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2018 Article PDF

Towards more sustainable social housing projects: Recognizing the importance of using local resources.Building and Environment, 2018 Article PDF

Quantitative analysis of the dynamic changes of ecological security in the provinces of China through emergy-ecological footprint hybrid indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

Accounting for the benefits of technology change: Replacing a zinc-coating process by a water-based organo-metallic coating process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018 Article PDF

Imputing missing data in non-renewable empower time series from nighttime lights observations. Ecological Indicators, 2018 Article PDF

Tracing the inter-regional coal flows and environmental impacts in Jing-Jin-Ji region. Ecological Modelling, 2017 Article PDF

Process of strategy formulation for sustainable environmental development: Basic model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017 Article PDF

Assessment of municipal potential prosperity, carrying capacity and trade. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017 Article PDF

Material selection for environmental responsibility: the case of soft drinks packaging in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017 Article PDF

Can cloud computing be labeled as “green”? Insights under an environmental accounting perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017 Article PDF

Cleaner Production towards a sustainable transition. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017 Article PDF

Sustainable Milk Production: Application of the Hierarchical Analytical Process Towards A Regional Strategic Planning. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2016. Article PDF

Emergy Evaluation of Domestic Wastewater Treatments: The Role of Energy and Materials Consumption and Carbon Emissions. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2016. Article PDF

Greening A Cuban Local Mango Supply Chain: Sustainability Options and Management Strategies. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2016. Article PDF

A more sustainable nail care service. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016 Article PDF

Exploring the potentialities of emergy accounting in studying the limits to growth of urban systems. Ecological Indicators, 2016 Article PDF

Accounting for internal stocks in assessing the sustainability of urban systems: The case of ABC Paulista. Ecological Indicators, 2016 Article PDF

Evaluation of two Hydropower Plants in Brazil: Using Emergy for Exploring Regional Possibilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016 Article PDF

Making real progress toward more sustainable societies using decision support models and tools: introduction to the special volume. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015 Article PDF

Sustainability Assessment of Alternatives for Heat Generation and Transfer in Saunas. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2015 Article PDF

Using Emergy to Assess the Business Plan of a Small Auto-Parts Manufacturer in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2015 Article PDF

Integrating cleaner production into sustainability strategies: an introduction to this special volume. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015 Article PDF

Multicriteria cost–benefit assessment of tannery production: The need for breakthrough process alternatives beyond conventional technology optimization. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2015 Article PDF

Sustainable transportation strategies for decoupling road vehicle transport and carbon dioxide emissions. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2015 Article PDF

Avaliação em emergia como ferramenta de gestão nos parques urbanos de São Paulo. Gestão & Produção, 2015 Article PDF

Avaliação de impacto da escala econômica na dimensão ambiental das empresas do ISE da BM&FBOVESPA conforme parâmetros da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Lei nº 10.165). Gestão & Produção, 2015 Article PDF

Can measures of well-being and progress help societies to achieve sustainable development? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015 Article PDF

A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage eco-system functionality. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014 Article PDF

Hidden costs of a typical embodied energy analysis: Brazilian sugarcane ethanol as a case study. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2014 Article PDF

Influence of cellulase enzyme production on the energetic–environmental performance of lignocellulosic ethanol. Ecological Modelling, 2014 Article PDF

Emergy Diagnosis and Reflections Towards Brazilian Sustainable Development. Energy Policy, 2013 Article PDF

An emergy-based evaluation of a reverse logistics network for steel recycling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013 Article PDF

Cleaner Production initiatives and challenges for a sustainable world: an introduction to this special volume. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013 Article PDF

Primary Evidenceson the Robustness of Environmental Accounting from Emergy. Journal of Enviromental Accounting and Management, 2013 Article PDF

Streamlined Life Cycle Inventory of Dental Syringes Manufacturing. Journal of Enviromental Accounting and Management, 2013 Article PDF

Key elements, stages and tools for a sustainable world: an introduction to this special volume. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013 Article PDF

The roles, perspectives and limitations of environmental accounting in higher educational institutions: an emergy synthesis study of the engineering programme at the Paulista University in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013 Article PDF

Substituição das soldas estanho-chumbo na manufatura: efeitos na saúde do trabalhador e no desempenho ambiental. Gestão & Produção, 2013 Article PDF

Urban solid waste plant treatment in Brazil: Is there a net emergy yield on the recovered materials? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2013 Article PDF

An Evaluation of an MSW-to-energy System Using Emergy Synthesis. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2012 Article PDF

Assessing the Replacement of Lead in Solders: Effects on Resource use and Human Health. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012 Article PDF

Energetic-Environmental Assessment of a Scenario for Brazilian Cellulosic Ethanol. Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 1-16, 2012 Article PDF

Can Emergy Sustainability Index be Improved? Complementary Insights for Extending the Vision. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 244, p. 158-161, 2012. Article PDF

Contabilidade Ambiental em Emergia de Projeto de Compensação Ambiental Ecoíris. Revista RACEF – Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia da FUNDACE, Edição 04/2011. Article PDF

Aproveitamento dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos em Aterro Sanitário. Revista Agrogeoambiental, Vol. 03, nº1, p. 93-100, 2011. Article PDF

Accounting emergy flows to determine the best production model of a coffee plantation. Energy Policy, p. 7399-7407, 2011. Article PDF

Emergy assessment of a coffee farm in Brazilian Cerrado considering in a broad form the environmental services, negative externalities and fair price. Agricultural Systems, p. 679-688, 2011. Article PDF

Comparing emergy accounting with well-known sustainability metrics: The case of Southern Cone Common Market, Mercosur. Energy Policy, p. 3518-3526, 2010. Article PDF

Do avanço do planejamento, programação e controle da produção como atividades essenciais da empresa à educação ambiental. Revista UNIARA, p. 10-24, 2010. Article PDF

Emergy as a tool for Ecodesign: evaluating materials selection for beverage packages in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 1-12, 2010. Article PDF

Identifying improvements in water management of bus-washing stations in Brazil. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, p. 821-831, 2010. Article PDF

Síntese em emergia da compensação ambiental do aterro sanitário Sítio São João: um estudo comparativo. Revista Agrogeoembiental, Vol. 02, nº 03, p. 125-134, 2010. Article PDF

Sustainability assessment of a giant bamboo plantation in Brazil: exploring the influence of labour, time and space. Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 1-9, 2010. Article PDF

The roles of cleaner production in the sustainable development of modern societies: an introduction to this special issue. Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 1-5, 2010. Article PDF

The reliability of experts’ opinions in constructing a composite environmental index: The case of ESI 2005. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 90, p. 2448-2459, 2009. Article PDF

Inventário de ciclo de vida da manufatura de seringas odontológicas. Revista Produção, v. 18, p. 155-169, 2008. Article PDF

Cleaner production practices in a medium size gold-plated jewelry company in Brazil: when little changes make the difference. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 16, p. 1106-1117, 2008. Article PDF

Ecologia industrial. Revista ECOSpy, v. 12, p. 67-68, 2007. Article PDF

Aplicações do diagrama emergético triangular na tomada de decisão ecoeficiente. Revista Produção, v. 17, p. 246-262, 2007. Article PDF

A Ecologia industrial dentro do contexto empresarial. Revista Banas Qualidade, v. 184, p. 76-83, 2007. Article PDF

Emergetic ternary diagrams: five examples for aplication in environmental accounting for decision-making. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 15, p. 63-74, 2007. Article PDF

A combined tool for environmental scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 14, p. 201-210, 2006. Article PDF

Towards the abatement of environmental mercury pollution: An electrochemical characterization. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 276, p. 213-220, 2006. Article PDF

Ferramenta para tomada de decisão considerando a interação dos sistemas de produção e o meio ambiente. Revista Produção, v. 15, p. 087-101, 2005. Article PDF

Ecologia industrial: aprendendo com os camelos. Revista Ação Ambiental, v. 034, p. 011-015, 2005. Article PDF

Developing eco-technologies: a possibility to minimize environmental impact in Southern Brazil . Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 12, p. 361-368, 2004. Article PDF

Ecologia industrial e o reúso da água. Revista Saneas - Associação dos Engenheiros da SABESP, v. 02, p. 10-13, 2004. Article PDF

Implementacão de eco-tecnologias rumo à ecologia industrial. RAE eletrônica, v. 2, n. 1, p. 2-18, 2003. Article PDF

A indústria química no contexto da ecologia industrial. Revista de graduação de engenharia química, v. 12, n. Jul-Dez, p. 7-16, 2003. Article PDF

Ecologia industrial: Um pouco da história. Revista de graduação de engenharia química, v. 12, n. Jul-Dez, p. 17-26, 2003. Article PDF

Gerenciamento ambiental na indústria - Uma ferramenta da ecologia industrial. Revista de graduação de engenharia química, v. 12, n. Jul-Dez, p. 27-42, 2003. Article PDF

Avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV): Uma ferramenta importante da ecologia industrial. Revista de graduação de engenharia química, v. 12, n. Jul-Dez, p. 43-54, 2003. Article PDF

Ecologia industrial: projeto para meio ambiente. Revista de Engenharia Química, v. 12, n. Jul-Dez, p. 55-67, 2003. Article PDF

Published Books

In 2021, LaProMA researchers were the editors of the book “Cleaner Production Towards a Sustainable Transition”. The book was published in electronic format (ebook) for the kindle app.
The book brings contributions from researchers participating in multiple editions of the International Workshop on Cleaner Production (IWACP), organized by the Network for Advances in Cleaner Production (ACPN). Cleaner Production is a research area in constant evolution that aggregates multidisciplinary concepts and methodologies with an emphasis on optimization in problem solving. The field of research in the area is diverse and can be applied at micro, medium or macro scales, aiming to understand how certain actions can produce global changes.
Organized in nine chapters, the book presents research related to agricultural and livestock production areas, urban and regional systems, as well as Cleaner Production actions applied to industries. The experiences, methodologies and achievements contained in the book can be very useful in designing and managing environmentally friendly production systems, developing new policies, reducing environmental risks and preventing and mitigating strategies.

In 2016, LaProMA researchers were the editors of the book “Advances in Cleaner Production - Volume 02”. The book was recently published by Nova Science Publishers, a prestigious scientific publisher:
Cleaner Production is an emerging field of research that brings together concepts and methodologies from different disciplines with an emphasis on problem solving. Researchers' efforts are almost always focused on a variety of sectoral domains and an understanding of global change. Such efforts require a variety of processes at different scales and on environmental and sustainability aspects. This book includes contributions from researchers from several countries, aiming at the development of Cleaner Production. As in the first volume, this second volume was divided into three sections, which are: National experiences for the implementation of Cleaner Production programs; Research related to the metrics used to evaluate the effects of Cleaner Production initiatives; Discussions originated before and after the implementation of these programs.

In 2011, LaProMA researchers were the editors of the book “Advances in Cleaner Production – Volume 01”. The book was published by Nova Science Publishers, prestigious publisher in the scientific scenario:
Cleaner Production is an emerging field of research that brings together concepts and methodologies from different disciplines with an emphasis on problem solving. Researchers' efforts are almost always focused on a variety of sectoral domains and an understanding of global change. Such efforts require a variety of processes at different scales and on environmental and sustainability aspects. This book includes contributions from researchers from several countries, aiming at the development of Cleaner Production. Divided into three sections, the book presents national experiences for the implementation of Cleaner Production programs, research related to the metrics used to evaluate the effects of Cleaner Production initiatives and discussions that originated before and after the implementation of these programs.

Industrial ecology: Concepts, tools and applications.

Industrial ecology confirms the wisdom of the proverb 'Nothing is as practical as a good theory', as it has proved to be a powerful theoretical body applied mainly in countries with more competitive economies. The book clearly shows the necessary change now underway in the world of companies: the search for competitiveness with environmental sustainability and emphasizes solutions instead of presenting problems related to the environment. Examples of the concepts discussed are presented and Brazilian examples are reported. Industrial Ecology contributes to the perception that productive and natural systems are part of the same system, the biosphere. This apparently simple finding served to formalize important principles, which have the merit of visualizing the clusters of industries as industrial ecosystems supported by natural ecosystems.

Preface and Chapters of Published Books

Understanding the Sustainability of the Energy-Water-Land Flow Nexus in Transational Trade of the Belt and Road Countries. BIWAES 2021—Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies "Empowering Communities, Beyond Energy Scarcity, 2022, p. 187-205.

Sustainable Development and its Goals. Assessing Progress: towards Sustainability Frameworks, Tools and Case Studies, 2022. p. 13-33.

Assessment of Environmental Sustainability Variables in Water Supply and Sanitation Companies Listed on BM&FBOVESPA. Production Engineering: Quality, Production and Operations Management (eBook), 2021. p. 84-108.

The Brazilian Educational System: An Analysis of a Hypothetical Full Shift to Distance Teaching. In: Sustainability on University Campuses: Learning, Skills Building and Best Practices, 2019. p. 131-145.

Sustainable Universities: A Comparison of the Ecological Footprint, Happiness and Academic Performance Among Students of Different Courses. In: Sustainability on University Campuses: Learning, Skills Building and Best Practices, 2019. p. 209-225.

Evaluating Cleaner Production Interventions in a Medium Size Company. In: International Sustainabilty Stories: Enhancing Good Practices. Universidad de Sonora, 2017. p. 67-89.

Contabilidade Ambiental da Produção de Brotos de Bambú no Brasil: Comparação com Outros Alimentos. In: Bambus no Brasil: Da Biologia à Tecnologia. Instituto Ciência Hoje, 2017. p. 409-425.

Net Emergy Assessment of Wind-Electricity Generation in the Brazilian Northeast Region. In: Emergy Synthesis 9: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 9. University of Florida, 2017. p. 167-180.

Experiences of the Cuban Cleaner Production Focal Point for Agro-Industry. In: Advances in Cleaner Production – Volume 02. Nova Science Publishers, 2016, p. 51-62.

Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention Opportunities in the Brazilian Auto Refinishing Industry. In: Advances in Cleaner Production – Volume 02. Nova Science Publishers, 2016, p. 65-76.

Sustainability in the Stock Exchange: A Ranking to Identify/Invest in More Sustainable Businesses. In: Advances in Cleaner Production – Volume 02. Nova Science Publishers, 2016, p. 237-254.

Emergy Analysis of an English School Located in the South of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In: Emergy Synthesis 8: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 8. University of Florida, 2015. p. 129-136.

Computing the Unit Emergy Value of Computers – A First Attempt. In: Emergy Synthesis 8: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 8. University of Florida, 2015. p. 117-128.

Emergy Accounting of the Distance Teaching Version of a Technical Course on Management by IFSULDEMINAS: A Case Study. In: Emergy Synthesis 8: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 8. University of Florida, 2015. p. 137-146.

Influence of Cellulase Enzyme Production on the Energetic-Environmental Performance of Lignocellulosic Ethanol. In: Emergy Synthesis 8: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 8. University of Florida, 2015. p. 155-156.

Study of ABC Paulista Exports and Imports Using Emergy Synthesis. In: Emergy Synthesis 8: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 8. University of Florida, 2015. p. 283-294.

An Over Time Multi-Criteria Accounting of a Brazilian Bamboo Plantation. In: Emergy Synthesis 7: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 7. University of Florida, 2013. p. 339-346.

Electricity Production from Agricultural Wastes: An Emergy Evaluation. In: Emergy Synthesis 7: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 7. University of Florida, 2013. p. 225-234.

Emergy Accounting of Brazilian States and Region. In: Emergy Synthesis 7: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 7. University of Florida, 2013. p. 413-418.

Study of the Environmental Sustainability of São Caetano do Sul Using Emergy Synthesis. Emergy Synthesis 7: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 7. University of Florida, 2013. p. 471-480.

Prefácio. In: Despoluindo Sobre Trilhos. Sendas Produções, 2013, v.01, p. 297.

Brazilian Experiences in Cleaner Production: Quantifying CP Interventions in Medium Size Companies. In: Advances in Cleaner Production – Volume 01. Nova Science Publishers, 2011, p. 101-145.

Emergy Accounting of a Coffee Farm in the Brazilian Savannah. In: Emergy Synthesis 6: Theory and Applications of the Emergy Methodology. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Emergy Conference – Volume 6. University of Florida, 2011. p. 273-286.

Electrochemically formed film layers of importance in electrocatalysis. In: Electrocatalysis: Computational, experimental and industrial aspects. CRC Press, 2010, v. 01, p. 191-208.

Prefácio. In: Mercado de Capitais e Análise de Ações. Editora Globus, 2009, v. 01, p. 309.

Decisões e sustentabilidade ambiental. In: Qualidade e competência nas decisões. 01 ed. Edgarg Blucher LTDA, 2007, v. 01, p. 315-336.

Avaliação ambiental e diagrama triangular: estudo de sistema operacional altenativo para a distribuição de aço. In: Tópicos Emergentes em Engenharia de Produção III. Arte & Ciência, 2005, v. 03, p. 01-15.

The versatile carbon paraffin electrodes (CPfEs): applications from natural minerals to fuel cell catalysts. In: Progress in Electrochemical Research. 01 ed. Nova Publishers, 2005, v. 01, p. 01-66.

Sistema ecológico e sistema de produção: a abordagem integrada da ecologia industrial. In: Tópicos Emergentes em Engenharia de Produção. 01 ed. Arte & Ciência, 2003, v. 02, p. 177-196.

Uma oportunidade para a aplicacão da ecologia industrial. In: Tópicos Emergentes em Engenharia de Produção.. 01 ed. Arte & Ciência, 2002, v. 01, p. 263-284.