
The different courses offered by Universidade Paulista are grouped into institutes. In the organization chart, the institutes are linked to the Vice-Rectories and these, in turn, to the Rectory. Each Institute has its own Board of Directors, and each course is also monitored by a coordinator.

Institute of Social Sciences and Communications (Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Comunicação - ICSC)

The Institute of Social Sciences and Communications (Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Comunicação – ICSC) produces qualified professionals that are able to act in society in an efficient and innovative manner. The concepts taught to the student aim at developing his / her capacity to be able to judge and decide when faced with alternatives, and also develop critical thinking, which shall enable the student to link actions with a sense of responsibility.

In regards to social - in- nature qualifications, the ICSC seeks opportunities that allow the interaction between the student and work groups in society, through lectures, congresses, visits to companies, internships, seminars, interdisciplinary programmes, and other activities characterized by the exchange of knowledge.

In the professional sphere, the ICSC is concerned with creating the future professional  for  fully exercising the functions on the labour- market and in society as a whole, by means of a joint learning process, practical activities and technical education.

The Institute of Social Sciences and Communications offers the following courses at undergraduate level:

  • Business Management;
  • Accountancy;
  • Economics;
  • Social Communication (specialisations in Journalism and Advertising);
  • Law;
  • Social Studies (specialisation in Geography and History);
  • Languages (License in Portuguese Language);
  • Languages (Teaching Course and specialisations in Translation and also in Portuguese/English);
  • Marketing;
  • Advertising and Marketing;
  • International Relations.

Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology (Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia - ICET)

The Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology – ICET seeks, by means of a high-quality theoretical and practical education, to direct the scientific potential of the student towards the new challenges posed by Science. It also seeks to achieve the highest level of technological enhancement, and thus provide the labour market with specialists who are able to tackle all kinds of problems associated with their specializations.

The main purpose of the Institute is that of promoting technological development and also establishing conditions that enable the student to have definite insertion and also an active participation in the labour market, thereby providing a creative solution to the problems that society proposes.

  • At undergraduate level, the Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology offers the following courses:
  • Architecture and Urban Design;
  • Computer Science;
  • Industrial Design;
  • Aeronautical Engineering;
  • Civil Engineering;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • Control Systems Engineering (Mechatronics);
  • Data Science;
  • Petroleum Engineering;
  • Production Engineering;
  • Electrical Engineering - Electrotechnics;
  • Electrical Engineering (specializations: Electronics, Electronics with an emphasis on telecommunications, and Electrotechnics);
  • Mechanical Engineer Production;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Chemical Engineering;
  • Mathematics;
  • Information Systems.

Institute of Health Science (Instituto de Ciências da Saúde - ICS)

The Institute of Health Science (Instituto de Ciências da Saúde – ICS), considering the professional qualification of its students, is active in offering courses in the Health Area, promoting a critical view of Brazilian reality.

The Institute is always concerned with placing skilled and competitive professional people on the labour market, who, beyond increasing the relevance of Science in general, contribute with the eradication of basic problems, making family health one of the main targets of the country. The professional people who have been trained by UNIP shall also contribute so that the actions taken in the Health area are attained according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

At undergraduate level, the Institute of Health Sciences offers the following courses:

  • Biomedicine;
  • Biological Sciences (Baccalaureate);
  • Physical Education (License);
  • Nursing;
  • Pharmacy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Speech Therapy;
  • Veterinary Medicine;
  • Nutrition;
  • Dentistry;

Humanities Institute

The Humanities Institute (Instituto de Ciências Humanas– ICH) prioritises the excellence in professional qualification as well as in human relations, responding to the immediate demands set by our times. It also anticipates the future and accompanies the unfolding of events and techniques, by means of the diversification of subjects, of the approximation between theory and practice, and of the special attention given to the globalized tradition of the University. At undergraduate level, the Humanities Institute offers the following courses:

  • Hotel and Catering;
  • License in Pedagogy;
  • Psychology;
  • Baccalaureate in Executive Secretary;
  • Secretaries’ Training Course;
  • Social Service;
  • Tourism;

Technological and Short – Term Courses Institute (ITEFE)

UNIP has developed a set of higher education technology courses of short duration - two or three years, in the following areas: Environment and Health; Control and Industrial Processes; Educational and Social Development; Management and Business; Information and Communication; Infrastructure; Cultural Production and Design; Industrial Production; Security; Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure; among others.

The teaching staff is made up of professors with a vast academic background and relevant experience in the areas of the courses offered, as well as professional people of renowned capacity and well placed on the market. The student is quickly trained to carry out the functions required in his/ her area of cchoice, which helps to significantly boost the student’s level of competitivity. For those who have already graduated, short-term courses offer an opportunity to broaden or diversify their areas of professional activity.Benefits for students are:

  • Fast-graduation;
  • Higher – Education Diploma;
  • Fast – insertion in the labour- market and better professional qualification;
  • Possibility of future enrolment in lato – sensu post –graduation (Specialization) and Stricto Sensu (Master and Doctorate);
  • Professional reorientation

In undergraduate level, ITEFE offers the following courses:

Courses by Professional Area

Environment and Health

  • Aesthetics and Cosmetics
  • Environmental Management
  • Radiology

Control and Industrial Processes

  • Industrial Automation

Management and Businesses

  • Entrepreneurship and Startups
  • Foreign Trade
  • Commercial Management
  • Cooperative Management
  • Quality Management
  • Human Resources
  • Financial Management
  • Juridical, Notary and Register Services Management
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • Management Processes
  • Real Estate Business

Information and Communication

  • Data analysis
  • System analysis
  • Database
  • Computer Technology Management
  • Digital Games Development
  • Computer Network


  • Port Management course

Cultural Production and Design

  • Interior Design Course
  • Fashion Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Audiovisual Production
  • YouTuber Course

Industrial Production

  • Oil and gas

Natural Resources

  • Agribusiness Management


  • Private Security Management

Hospitality and Leisure

  • Gastronomy

E-learning courses

Traditional Courses

  • Business Administration
  • Visual Arts (License)
  • Biological Sciences (License)
  • Accounting
  • Economy
  • Physical Education (Bachelor's degree)
  • Physical Education (License)
  • Nursing
  • Civil Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Phylosophy (License)
  • Physics (License)
  • Geography (License)
  • History (License)
  • Languages (License in Portuguese Language)
  • Languages (License in Portuguese and Spanish Languages)
  • Languages (License in Portuguese and English Languages)
  • Mathematics (License)
  • Pedagogy (License)
  • Chemistry (License)
  • Social Service
  • Sociology (License)

Technological Courses

  • System analysis
  • Foreign Trade
  • Interior Design Course
  • Gastronomy
  • Environmental Management
  • Commercial Management
  • Quality Management
  • Computer Technology Management
  • Human Resources
  • Juridical, Notary and Register Services Management
  • Agribusiness Management
  • Financial Management
  • Hospital Management
  • Public Management
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • Business Management
  • Computer Network
  • Safe and Health at Work

Master and Doctorate Programs

  • Master in Business Administration
  • Master and Doctorate in Communication
  • Master and Doctorate in Production Engineering
  • Master and Doctorate in Dentistry
  • Master and Doctorate in Environmental and Experimental Pathology
  • Professional Master's Program in Institutional Practices in Mental Health