Academic Internationalization

The Vice-Rectorate for Academic Internationalization at UNIP regulates and formalizes international agreements for the development of scientific and technological activities. It is responsible for fostering the academic community (faculty, researchers, and students) to activate international agreements through collaboration in research, international publications, collaboration and participation in seminars and academic meetings; exchange of teaching materials, implementation of international academic programs, and specific projects for undergraduate, postgraduate, and master's and doctoral programs.

In the endeavor to train leaders prepared to act effectively in the global market, the University Paulista - UNIP strives to generate opportunities for studies and research abroad and attract foreign interest in Brazil. It maintains international cooperation with 189 institutions and international education agencies.

27 institutions 1 institution 40 institutions 106 institutions 3 institutions 11 institutions 1 institution

The Vice-Rectorate for Academic Internationalization works to ensure the quality of international actions promoted at the University Paulista - UNIP.

Office hour - Academic Internationalization

Telephone opening hours

+55 (11) 2166-1132
Monday to Thursday: from 8am to 5:50pm
Friday: from 8am to 5pm

Personal assistance

Monday to Friday (by appointment only).
Saturday: fortnightly starting on the first Saturday of each month (by appointment only).


Emails: Office – Academic Internationalization (Vanessa Louise A. Fábrega, Ma. - Chief Coordinator) with copy to (Rikelly Machado - with copy to)
Telephone: +55 (11) 2166-1132

Vice-Rector for Academic Internationalization

Laura Ancona Lee, PhD.