Corpo Docente

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

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Marcio Cardoso Machado

Prof. Dr. Marcio Cardoso Machado

Coordinator and Full Professor
Research Productivity Scholarship 2 - CNPq

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Post-Doctorate from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica. Doctorate in Production Engineering from the University of São Paulo (2006), Master's degree in Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2001) and Bachelor's degree in Administration from Santanna University Center (1998). Coordinator and professor of the stricto-sensu post-graduation course (Masters and Doctorate in Administration) at Universidade Paulista - UNIP and of the under-graduation course (Administration) at the same University. Coordinator of the Academic Division of Operations Management and Logistics of the National Association of Post-Graduate Research in Administration - ANPAD. He was a Capes scholar in the National Post-Doctoral Program - PNPD, in the evaluation project of Brazilian aeronautical maintenance companies. He is a visiting researcher professor at the University of Porto and the University of Minho, in Portugal, with a scholarship from Santander Bank in the Young Researchers Program. He has experience in Production Management and Production Engineering, with emphasis in Aeronautical Maintenance, acting mainly on the following themes: product development, quality, logistics, PCP and maintenance management. Currently he is dedicated to research on supply networks.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network Strategy and Operations
  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Strategy and Operations in Networks)
  • RESUP - Supply Chain Research Group

Disciplines Offered

  • Project Development
  • Elaboration of Articles

Featured Publications

QUEIROZ, M. M.; WAMBA, S. F.; JABBOUR, C. J. C.; MACHADO, MARCIO C. Supply chain resilience in the UK during the coronavirus pandemic: A resource orchestration perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, v. 245, p. 108405, 2022. DOI:

QUEIROZ, M. M.; WAMBA, S. F.; MACHADO, M. C.; TELLES, R. Smart production systems drivers for business process management improvement. BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, v. 26, p. 1075-1092, 2020. DOI:

MACHADO, MARCIO CARDOSO; VIVALDINI, MAURO; DE OLIVEIRA, OTÁVIO JOSÉ . Production and supply-chain as the basis for SMEs? environmental management development: A systematic literature review. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 273, p. 123141, 2020. DOI:

MACHADO, MARCIO C.; TELLES, RENATO; SAMPAIO, PAULO; QUEIROZ, MACIEL M. ; FERNANDES, ANA CRISTINA . Performance measurement for supply chain management and quality management integration. Benchmarking, v. 27, p. 2130-2147, 2019. DOI:

MACHADO, M. C.; MENDES, E. F.; TELLES, R. ; SAMPAIO, P. . Towards a new model for SME self-assessment: a Brazilian empirical study. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (Online), v. 31, p. 1041-1059, 2018. DOI:

Victor Silva Corrêa

Prof. Dr. Victor Silva Corrêa

Vice-coordinator and Full Professor
Research Productivity Scholarship 2 - CNPq

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

He is full professor and vice coordinator of the Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Paulista (Master and Doctorate). Coordinator of the Interinstitutional Master (Minter) conducted by UNIP in Cacoal/Rondônia (2019-2022). Author of the Administration thesis elected by Capes as the best in Brazil in 2016. Winner of the CAPES AWARD FOR THESIS 2017 in the area of Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism. He is Associate Editor of Regepe (B1). Ad hoc reviewer of several scientific journals and congresses in Brazil and abroad. He coordinates research (2019-2022) funded by CNPq (Universal Call 2018 - Process 433381/2018-3). In addition, he has already coordinated projects funded by the Research Incentive Fund - FIP/PUC-Minas -. Invited expert of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2020, the largest study on the entrepreneurial dynamics in the world. Leader of the Research Group on Social Approaches in Organizational Networks (PPGA/UNIP) and researcher of the Research Center in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Organizational Networks (NUPERE/PUC Minas), both registered in CNPq. Leader of the Organizational Studies area of the Doctoral Consortium of Semead. He acted/acted as theme leader at EnAnpad in 2021/2022. Holds a post-doctoral degree in Administration. He has a doctorate in Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais with a sandwich period at the University of Lisbon. He has a Master's degree in Administration, a Specialist in Marketing and a Bachelor's degree in Social Communication - Journalism and Public Relations - from PUC-MG. Works mainly on the following topics: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial orientation, economic sociology (immersion), social networks, social capital.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Social Approaches in Organizational Networks
  • NUPERE - Nucleus for Research in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Networks

Disciplines Offered

  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Networks
  • Qualitative Methodology II

Featured Publications

CORRÊA, Victor Silva et al. Entrepreneurial orientation far beyond opportunity: the influence of the necessity for innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 2022.

CORRÊA, Victor Silva et al. Female entrepreneurship in emerging and developing countries: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2021.

CORRÊA, Victor Silva et al. Relational influence on entrepreneurial orientation: an exploratory study of small religious enterprises in Brazil. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 2021.

CORRÊA, Victor Silva; QUEIROZ, Maciel M.; SHIGAKI, Helena Belintani. Social capital and individual entrepreneurial orientation: innovativeness, proactivity, and risk-taking in an emerging economy. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2021.

CORRÊA, Victor Silva et al. Smith's Contributions to the Religious Market: Brazilian Religious Entrepreneurship Evidence. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, v. 18, n. 2, p. 100-127, 2021.

Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour

Profa. Dra. Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Holds a Habilitation in 'Production Engineering and Sustainability Management' from UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (2016). She holds the titles of Doctor (2009), Master (2007) and Engineer (2004), all in the area of Production Engineering. She was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Sustainable Operations Management at the University of London (United Kingdom). Her recent scientific production involves articles published/accepted in journals indexed to JCR, Financial Times Top 50, CNRS List, ABS List (UK) and ABDC ranking.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Network Strategy and Operations

Disciplines Offered

  • Working papers development seminars I

Featured Publications

Seles, B. M. R. P., Mascarenhas, J., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., & Trevisan, A. H. Smoothing the circular economy transition: The role of resources and capabilities enablers. Business Strategy and the Environment.

Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Chiappetta Jabbour, C. J., Sarkis, J., Latan, H., Roubaud, D., Godinho Filho, M., & Queiroz, M. (2021). Fostering low-carbon production and logistics systems: framework and empirical evidence. International Journal of Production Research, 59(23), 7106-7125.
Raj, A., Dwivedi, G., Sharma, A., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., & Rajak, S. (2020). Barriers to the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector: An inter-country comparative perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 107546.

Seles, B. M. R. P., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jabbour, C. J. C., Latan, H., & Roubaud, D. (2019). Do environmental practices improve business performance even in an economic crisis? Extending the win-win perspective. Ecological economics, 163, 189-204.

Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Jabbour, C. J. C., Godinho Filho, M., & Roubaud, D. (2018). Industry 4.0 and the circular economy: a proposed research agenda and original roadmap for sustainable operations. Annals of Operations Research, 270(1), 273-286.

Angélica Carlini

Profa. Dra. Angélica Carlini

Collaborating Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Post-Doctorate in Constitutional Law from PUC/RS. PhD in Political and Economic Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Doctorate in Education from PUC/SP. Master in Civil Law from Paulista University - UNIP. Master in Contemporary History from PUC/SP. Post-Graduate in Digital Law from ITS/UERJ. Post-Graduate student in Economic Analysis of Law at the University of Lisbon Law School (2022). Professor at Universidade Paulista - UNIP, in the area of Law and Distance Education - EaD. Professor of Didactics of Higher Education in the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Paulista. Researcher in the area of innovation applied to law and insurance contracts.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Social Approaches to Organizational Networks

Disciplines Offered

  • Didactics of Higher Education

Featured Publications

CARLINI, A.L. Artificial Intelligence and Insurance Contracts: An Analysis in the Light of Risk Underwriting. Revista Jurídica de Seguros. Vol. 15, Dec. 2021, p. 86.

CARLINI, A.L. O Dever de Informar e o Dever De Se Informar Nos Contratos de Seguro Saúde - A Informação Como Elemento Emancipatório E Volitivo e Sua Repercussão Nas Relações Contratuais De Saúde Privada. Revista Direito e Justiça - Reflexões Sociojurídicas. Volume 19, p. 37.

CARLINI, A.L. O Professor de Direito e a Identidade Docente: Construindo Reflexões a partir da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. São Paulo: Junqueira & Marin, 2008, p. 203.

Arnaldo L. Ryngelblum

Prof. Dr. Arnaldo L. Ryngelblum

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

PhD in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas - SP (2000), Master in Sciences de La Gestion - Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales - Montreal (1994), Degree in Public Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ (1977) and Degree in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1974). Professor of the Master's and Doctorate in Administration at Universidade Paulista. Professional experience in Strategic Management and Marketing over twenty years in industry. In the academic area he specializes in Theories of Organizations, Social Relations Networks and Strategy, working more recently with the following themes: regulation, institutional logics, non-competitive strategies, public policies.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Networks, Organizations and Society
  • Health Research Group

Disciplines Offered

  • Social Construction of Organizational Practices
  • Organizational Theory

Featured Publications

ARMONI, A. ; RYNGELBLUM, A. L. ; BAZANINI, R. . The Possibility of Coexistence of Different MBA Logics in Brazil. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION, 2022.

RYNGELBLUM, A. L.; OLIVEIRA, P. C. D.; TELLES, R.; COSTA, M. C.Strategic circumvention of regulations: the judicialization of the Brazilian private health system. CADERNOS EBAPE.BR (FGV). , v.17, p.623 - 638, 2019.

RYNGELBLUM, A. L.; GIGLIO, E. M.; Corrêa, V. S. Disguise mechanisms in regulation definitions: the private health system. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2005), p.1495, 2018

RYNGELBLUM, A. L.; VIANNA, N. W. H.; ONUSIC, L. M. Alternative Logics Coexistence: the Supplementary Health Field in Brazil. Public Organization Review. ,p.1, 2016.

RYNGELBLUM, A.; VIANNA, NADIA; ONUSIC, LUCIANA. Alternative logics coexistence and collaboration: the consumer protection field. Management Research(Armonk, N.Y.). , v.14, p.24 - 41, 2016.

GIGLIO, E. M.; RYNGELBLUM, A. L.; JABBOUR, A. B. Relational governance in recycling cooperatives: A proposal for managing tensions in sustainability. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. , v.260, p.121036 - , 2020

CORRÊA, VICTOR SILVA; SHIGAKI, HELENA BELINTANI; RYNGELBLUM, ARNALDO L.;CRUZ, MARINA DE ALMEIDA. Smith’s Contributions to the Religious Market: Brazilian Religious Entrepreneurship Evidence. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. , v.18, p.100 - 127, 2021.

RYNGELBLUM, A. L.; VIANNA, N. W. H.Accomplishments and relevance of consumer protection organizations. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2005). , v.25, p.160 - 174, 2017.

RYNGELBLUM, A. L.; VIANNA, N. W. H.; RIMOLI, C. A. The ways companies really answer consumer complaints. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. , v.31,p.54 - 71, 2013 (** 2013 Outstanding Paper, Editorial Team of Marketing Intelligence & Planning Journal)

COSTA, MAYLA C.; DE PASSOS, GABRIELA A.; RYNGELBLUM, ARNALDO L. Gradual institutional change and media influence: The case of Petrobras in Brazil. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. , v.1, p.e1969 - , 2019

Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour

Prof. Dr. Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour has extensive national (UNIP, FIA, USP, and UNESP) and international (Scotland, England, and France) experience as a professor, researcher, and advisor stricto sensu. In 2021, he was included in the prestigious Clarivate/Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers Awards, along with only 21 other Brazilian researchers from several fields. His research explores how sustainability management concepts and best practices are influencing organizations and their networks.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network Strategy and Operations
  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Network Strategy and Operations)

Disciplines Offered

  • Working Paper Development Seminars II

Featured Publications

APPOLLONI, ANDREA ; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE ; D'ADAMO, IDIANO ; GASTALDI, MASSIMO ; SETTEMBRE-BLUNDO, DAVIDE . Green recovery in the mature manufacturing industry: The role of the green-circular premium and sustainability certification in innovative efforts. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, v. 193, p. 107311, 2022.

BELHADI, AMINE ; KAMBLE, SACHIN S. ; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE ; MANI, VENKATESH ; KHAN, SYED ABDUL REHMAN ; TOURIKI, FATIMA EZAHRA . A self-assessment tool for evaluating the integration of circular economy and industry 4.0 principles in closed-loop supply chains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, v. 245, p. 108372, 2022.

WANKE, PETER FERNANDES ; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSÉ ; MOREIRA ANTUNES, JORGE JUNIO ; LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, ANA BEATRIZ ; ROUBAUD, David ; SOBREIRO, Vinicius Amorim ; SANTIBANEZ GONZALEZ', ERNESTO DR . An original information entropy-based quantitative evaluation model for low-carbon operations in an emerging market. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, v. 234, p. 108061, 2021.

DWIVEDI, ASHISH ; MOKTADIR, MD. ABDUL ; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSÉ ; DE CARVALHO, DANIEL ESTIMA . Integrating the circular economy and industry 4.0 for sustainable development: Implications for responsible footwear production in a big data-driven world. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, v. 2021, p. 121335, 2021.

LATAN, Hengky ; CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, CHARBEL JOSE ; LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, ANA BEATRIZ ; ALI, MURAD . Crossing the Red Line? Empirical Evidence and Useful Recommendations on Questionable Research Practices among Business Scholars. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, v. 2021, p. 1, 2021.

Ernesto D. R. Santibañez Gonzalez

Prof. Dr. Ernesto D. R. Santibañez Gonzalez

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Professor, pesquisador, consultor, escritor e editor científico de numerosos periódicos de alto impacto. Entre seus interesses, destaca-se a busca por novas estratégias para enfrentar os desafios das mudanças climáticas e da sustentabilidade, à procura das melhores respostas para perguntas sobre como os bens e as pessoas vão se mover na cidade do futuro. Como os serviços de energia, saúde e transporte serão fornecidos no futuro para ter uma sociedade sustentável, resiliente e de baixo carbono? Como modelar a precificação e limite e negociação do carbono e seus impactos nas empresas, organizações e países? Estas são algumas das questões de pesquisa que o professor aborda atualmente. Professor Titular do PPGA-UNIP e também atua como Professor Titular na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidad de Talca, Chile. Além disso, é membro do quadro acadêmico do programa stricto sensu de MSC em Gestão de Operações e do programa stricto sensu de doutorado em Engenharia de Sistemas, reconhecido e credenciado pelo Ministério  da Educação e Comissão de Acreditação de programas de pós-graduação. Possui doutorado (sanduiche) em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1992) e a London School of Economics (LSE), mestrado em PEP Pesquisa Operacional - COPPE pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1988) e graduação em Engenharia Civil Industrial na Universidade Católica del Norte, com título otorgado pela Universidad de Tarapacá (1984). Tem Interesse em abordar problemas reais que surgem na interface do desenvolvimento sustentável e mudanças climáticas, com aplicações em cadeia de suprimentos, logística, gestão de operações, gestão de resíduos, economia circular, manufatura inteligente e serviços, sistemas de energia e rede. A pesquisa atual é caracterizada por integrar big-data, análises prescritivas, modelos matemáticos lineares/não lineares, modelos baseados na teoria dos jogos, heurísticas/metaheurísticas complexas, sistemas de informação, modelos de negócios e tecnologia da Internet para entender e modelar como as mudanças climáticas e o equilíbrio necessário de questões econômicas, ambientais e sociais impactarão a sociedade e o desempenho de empresas e organizações. Algumas áreas temáticas de interesse são gestão de operações sustentáveis, cadeia de abastecimento sustentável e logística, análise da cadeia de abastecimento, indústria e cadeia de abastecimento 4.0, logística verde e reversa, gestão de resíduos, gestão ambiental e energética, concorrência na cadeia de abastecimento, cidade inteligente, gerenciamento de operações, economia circular, redes não colaborativas e tecnologia disruptiva aplicada, entre outros. É editor associado de Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Int J of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Heliyon Business and Economics, entre outras, e, recentemente, foi nomeado Editor-in-Chief de Sustainable Operations and Computers (Elsevier and Chinese Academy of Science). Guest Editors de European Journal of Operational Research, Int J of Production Economics, Int. J of Production Research, Computers and Ind Engineering entre outros. Tem participado na organização de congressos científicos internacionais e sessões especiais para discutir como a sustentabilidade impacta nas estratégias, táticas e operações das organizações e empresas. É revisor dos principais periódicos internacionais e nacionais que tratam o tema da sustentabilidade em conexão com a gestão das operações, logística, supply chain e pesquisa operacional. Tem participado e coordenado mais de 40 projetos de P+D+I e transferência tecnológica em diferentes países (Angola, Bolivia, Brasil e Chile). Durante os períodos consecutivos de 2012-2013 e 2013-2014 recebeu o Prêmio em Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Social pela empresa Novelis do Brasil.

Informações Adicionais

Linhas e Grupos de Pesquisa

Disciplinas Oferecidas

  • Strategies for sustainability and climate change

Publicações Destaque

Circular economy and big data analytics: A stakeholder perspective
S Gupta, H Chen, BT Hazen, S Kaur, EDRS Gonzalez
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 144, 466-474, 2019 (citacoes 208)

Circular economy in the manufacturing sector: benefits, opportunities and barriers
V Kumar, I Sezersan, JA Garza-Reyes, EDRS Gonzalez, MA AL-Shboul
Management Decision 57 (4), 1067-1086, 2019 (citacoes 152)

Decision-support models for sustainable mining networks: fundamentals and challenges
BS Pimentel, ES Gonzalez, GNO Barbosa
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 2145-2157, 2016 (citacoes 122)

Study of site selection of electric vehicle charging station based on extended GRP method under picture fuzzy environment
Y Ju, D Ju, EDRS Gonzalez, M Giannakis, A Wang
Computers & Industrial Engineering 135, 1271-1285, 2019 (citacoes 92)

Making real progress toward more sustainable societies using decision support models and tools: introduction to the special volume
EDRS Gonzalez, J Sarkis, D Huisingh, LH Huatuco, N Maculan
Journal of Cleaner Production 105, 1-13, 2015 (citacoes 84)

Improving the evaluation of cross efficiencies: A method based on Shannon entropy weight
M Song, Q Zhu, J Peng, EDRS Gonzalez
Computers & Industrial Engineering 112, 99-106, 2017 (citacoes 82)

Green supplier selection in electronics manufacturing: An approach based on consensus decision making
H Gao, Y Ju, EDRS Gonzalez, W Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production, 118781, 2019 (citacoes 78)

Dumping, waste management and ecological security: Evidence from England
Y Liu, F Kong, EDRS Gonzalez
Journal of Cleaner Production 167, 1425-1437, 2017 (citacoes 69)

A multi-criteria decision-making framework for agriculture supply chain risk management under a circular economy context
M Yazdani, EDRS Gonzalez, P Chatterjee
Management Decision, 2019 (citacoes 63)

Solving a reverse supply chain design problem by improved Benders decomposition schemes
EDR Santibanez-Gonzalez, A Diabat
Computers & Industrial Engineering 66 (4), 889-898, 2013 (citacoes 62)

A Lagrangean heuristic for the pk-median dynamic location problem
RD Galvao, ER Santibanez-Gonzalez
European Journal of Operational Research 58 (2), 250-262, 1992 (citacoes 52)

Ernesto Michelangelo Giglio

Prof. Dr. Ernesto Michelangelo Giglio

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Post-Doctorate from the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA. PhD in Administration from the University of São Paulo (2002). Master's degree in Administration at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1998) and Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Universidade de São Paulo. Professor and Researcher at the Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Paulista - UNIP, where he develops courses and researches about Business Networks, Cooperation and Public Policies. He currently conducts academic research on recyclable material networks, solidarity market, environmental public policy networks; investigating the relationships between the actors of these networks and the governance built. She obtained CNPq and Fapesp scholarships, which subsidized her research and presentations in congresses.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Line: Networks, Organizations and Society
  • Research Group: Social Approaches to Networks
  • Research Group: GEREI- Network, Strategy and Innovation Study Group

Disciplines Offered

  • Governance in Organizational Networks
  • Public Policy Networks

Featured Publications

PEDRO, FERNANDA; GIGLIO, ERNESTO; CONTRERAS, LUIS VELAZQUEZ; MUNGUIA, NORA. Constructed Governance as Solution to Conflicts in E-Waste Recycling Networks. Sustainability, v. 13, p. 1701-1723, 2021.

GIGLIO, ERNESTO; RYNGELBLUM, ARNALDO; JABBOUR, ANA Relational governance in recycling cooperatives: A proposal for managing tensions in sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 260, p. 121036, 2020.

HUMPHREY, J.; TODEVA, E.; ARMANDO, E.; GIGLIO, E. Global Value Chains, Business Networks, Strategy, and International Business: Convergences. RBGN-Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, v. 21, p. 607-627, 2019.

João Maurício Gama Boaventura

Prof. Dr. João Maurício Gama Boaventura

Full Professor Collaborator
Research Productivity Scholarship 2 - CNPq

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

João Maurício Gama Boaventura is a Professor with a Bachelor's degree in Administration and Accounting, Master's and Doctorate in Administration and Lecturer at FEA-USP. Post-Doc in Administration from EAESP-FGV. Visiting Professor at the Adam Smith Business School - University of Glasgow, at the Darden School of Business - University of Virginia and at the Quinlan School of Business - Loyola University Chicago. Articles on Future Studies published in the main scientific journals in the area: Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Futures and Foresight. Articles on Strategy and Stakeholders published in Long Range Planning, Management Decision, International Journal of Conflict Management, International Journal of Emerging Markets, among others. Editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Journal of Business Management. Coordinator of the Stakeholder & Networks Research Group at CNPq. Researcher PQ by CNPq, Coordinator of Projects financed by FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq. Member of the Board of Directors of FIA - Fundação Instituto de Administração and former member of the Board of Directors of AIM - Automatic Identification Manufectures International. As a consultant he worked for the companies Johnson & Johnson, Kraki Alimentos, Cofibam Indústria de Cabos, Europ Assistance, Biosul and Atlas-Schindler.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Stakeholders Theory
  • Stakeholders & Networks Research Group in the CNPq Directory of Research Groups

Disciplines Offered

  • Elaboration of Articles

Featured Publications

STOCKER, FABRICIO; DE ARRUDA, MICHELLE P. ; DE MASCENA, KEYSA M. C. ; BOAVENTURA, JOÃO M. G. . Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting: A classification model. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, v. 27, p. 409-1178, 2020. DOI:

BOAVENTURA, JOÃO MAURÍCIO GAMA; BOSSE, DOUGLAS A. ; MANUELA CUNHA DE MASCENA, KEYSA ; SARTURI, GREICI . Value distribution to stakeholders: The influence of stakeholder power and strategic importance in public firms. LONG RANGE PLANNING, v. 53, p. 101883, 2020. DOI:

CASSANEGO JÚNIOR, PAULO VANDERLEI ; BOAVENTURA, JOÃO MAURÍCIO GAMA ; AZEVEDO, ANA CLÁUDIA ; TELLES, RENATO . Governance in business clusters: proposal for an application of an analytical model. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, v. 1, p. 1-27, 2019. DOI:

SARTURI, G. ; VARGAS, C. A. F. ; BOAVENTURA, J. M. G. ; SANTOS, Silvio Aparecido . Competitiveness of clusters. International Journal of Emerging Markets (Print), v. 11, p. 190-213, 2016. DOI:

BOAVENTURA, João Maurício Gama; FISCHMANN, Adalberto A . Is Your Vision Consistent? A Method for Checking, Based on Scenario Concepts. Futures (London), v. 40, p. 597-612, 2008. DOI:

José Celso Contador

Prof. Dr. José Celso Contador

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Engineer (1964) and PhD in Engineering (1973) from USP, Professor at UNESP (1993), he has been a university professor since 1965, working in the Production Engineering and Management fields. Since 1997, he has been dedicated to teaching and research at the Masters and PhD Program in Administration at Universidade Paulista - UNIP.
Author of the book Campos e Armas da Competição (São Paulo, Editora Saint Paul, 2008, 608 pages, format 21 x 28 cm. ), of the book Modelo para Aumentar a Competitividade Industrial (São Paulo, Editora Blucher, 1996, 364 pages), of five book chapters (including the book Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital: Challenges and Opportunities, organized by Luiz Antônio Jóia and published by Idea Group Publishing, Hershey (USA), ISBN 1599040816), of 180 articles published in scientific journals and in congress annals, and of 76 didactic publications with more than 4,000 pages. He coordinated the book Operations Management (São Paulo, Editora Blucher, 1997, 592 p.), involving 30 professors from the Production Engineering Department at Escola Politécnica da USP.
Currently, he is dedicated to research on the Fields and Weapons of Competition model applied to Business Networks, a theme within the scope of Competitive Strategy allied to Network Theory.
He is the second most prolific Brazilian author in Business Strategy from 1991 to 2002, according to the article "Estratégia empresarial: A produção científica brasileira entre 1991 e 2002" published in Revista de Administração de Empresas da FGV, volume 43, number 4, October 2003.
He has supervised 55 master's theses and five doctoral dissertations.
In private enterprise, he held some management positions and performed 146 consulting services for 32 companies.
In the Public Administration, he was Planning and Economy Secretary of São Bernardo do Campo and performed 17 consultancy services for several entities, including the São Paulo City Hall.
In the technological area, he holds a patent for the invention of an agricultural implement to harvest sugarcane and was awarded the Governor of the State Prize in the VIII National Contest of the Brazilian invention promoted in 1980 by the Secretariat of Industry, Commerce, Science and Technology of the Government of the State of São Paulo.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network Strategy and Operations
  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Strategy and Operations in Networks)
  • GOL - Optimization and Logistics Group of the Production Engineering Department of the Guaratinguetá campus of UNESP (DPD/FEG), registered in CNPq and visualized at

Disciplines Offered

  • Formulation of competitive strategy
  • Competitiveness in business networks

Featured Publications

Satyro, W. C., de Almeida, C. M. V. B., Pinto Jr, M. J. A., Contador, J. C., Giannetti, B. F., de Lima, A. F., & Fragomeni, M. A. (2022). Industry 4.0 implementation: The relevance of sustainability and the potential social impact in a developing country. Journal of Cleaner Production, 130456.

Satyro, W. C., de Mesquita Spinola, M., de Almeida, C. M., Giannetti, B. F., Sacomano, J. B., Contador, J. C., & Contador, J. L. (2021). Sustainable industries: Production planning and control as an ally to implement strategy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 281, 1-11.

Contador, J. C., Satyro, W. C., Contador, J. L., & Spinola, M. D. M. (2020). Flexibility in the Brazilian industry 4.0: challenges and opportunities. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 21, 15-31.

Contador, J. C., Cardoso, W., Contador, J. L., & de Mesquita Spinola, M. (2020). Taxonomy of organizational alignment: implications for data-driven sustainable performance of firms and supply chains. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, v. 34, n. 1, pp. 343-364.

Satyro, W. C., Sacomano, J. B., Contador, J. C., & Telles, R. (2018). Planned obsolescence or planned resource depletion? A sustainable approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 744-752.

Satyro, W; Sacomano, J. B.; Contador, J. C.; Almeida, C. A; Giannetti, B. F. Process of strategy formulation for sustainable environmental development: basic model. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 166, p. 1295-1304, 2017. DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.08.128

Satyro,W.C.; Contador, J.C.; Contador, J.L.; Fragomeni, M.A.; Monken, S.F.d.P.; Ribeiro, A.F.; de Lima, A.F.; Gomes, J.A.; do Nascimento, J.R.; de Araújo, J.L.; et al. Implementing Industry 4.0 through Cleaner Production and Social Stakeholders: Holistic and Sustainable Model. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12479.

 Matheus Albergaria de Magalhães

Prof. Dr. Matheus Albergaria de Magalhãe

Professor Titular

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Graduated in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1998), master's degree in Economic Theory from the University of São Paulo (2004), Master of Arts (Economics) - The Ohio State University (2008), PhD in Business Administration (Area of Economics of Organizations) from the University of São Paulo (2017) and post-doctorate in Economics from the University of São Paulo (2019). He currently works as a university professor of administration and economics subjects in undergraduate and postgraduate courses (lato sensu and stricto sensu), also acting as a scientific reviewer for national and international academic journals, since 2003. Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis (IJMDA) since 2015 and Associate Editor of the academic journals RAUSP Management Journal and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications - Nature since 2018 and 2022, respectively. He has experience in the areas of Administration and Economics, with an emphasis on Quantitative and Econometric Methods, working mainly on the following topics: social dilemmas, behavioral economics and information management in network environments.

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network externalities
  • Academic co-authorship networks
  • Social dilemmas in network environments

Disciplinas Oferecidas

  • Quantitative Methods I
  • Quantitative Methods II

Featured Publications

ALBERGARIA, M.; LIMA, G. T. A note on inattention: evidence from library services in São Paulo. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA, v.76, n.1, p.1-9, Jan.-Mar.2022. DOI:

ALBERGARIA, M. Every Book You Take: evaluating compliance behavior in an Information Commons. ESTUDOS ECONÔMICOS, v.51, n.4, p.643-675, Out. -Dez.2021. DOI:

FÁVERO, L. P.; HAIR, J. F.; SOUZA, R. F. S.; ALBERGARIA, M.; BRUGNI, T. V. Zero-inflated genearlized linear mixed models: a better way to understand data relationships. MATHEMATICS, v.9, n.1100, p.1-28, May 2021. DOI:

ALBERGARIA, M.; JABBOUR, C. J. C. The role of Big Data analytics capabilities (BDAC) in understanding the challenges of service information and operations management in the sharing economy: evidence of peer effects in libraries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, v.51, n.1, 2020. DOI:

ALBERGARIA, M.; SAES, M.S.M. Measuring externalities in an information commons: the case of libraries. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v.192, n.4, p.855-863, Aug.2018. DOI:

ALBERGARIA, MATHEUS. The Economics of Libraries. Journal of Information Science. 50, p. 1-11, 2024. DOI:

SILVEIRA, H. P.; FARNEZI, P.; ALBERGARIA, MATHEUS. Motivated or Inhibited? - an analysis of the predisposition to adopt technological implements in Personal Financial Planning. BBR. Brazilian Business Review (English Ed.), v. 20, p. 1-23, 2023. DOI:

Mauro Luiz Martens

Prof. Dr. Mauro Luiz Martens

Full Professor
Research Productivity Scholarship 2 - CNPq

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Fellow Productivity in Research (PQ CNPq) level 2, Full Professor in the Graduate Program Master's and Doctorate in Administration (PPGA) at Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Post doctoral candidate PPGEP/POLI USP. PhD in Production Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (2015). He holds a master's degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2002), MBA in Production Management from the Federal University of Santa Maria/Univates (1998) and degree in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (1996). Researcher PQ CNPq, researching the relationships between Project Management, Sustainability and Industry 4.0, as well as collaborating member of the research group LGP Laboratório de Gestão de Projeto da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Visiting Scholar at Bentley University (USA) in 2014. Reviewer of international journals such as International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Technovation, among others. He has experience in Production Engineering and Management, with emphasis on Industry 4.0, sustainability, project management, new product development, competitiveness, quality management systems, environmental management and food safety, industrial projects, organizational learning and continuous improvement.

Short biographical notes:
Mauro Luiz Martens is a Full Professor at Paulista University (UNIP) in Postgraduate Program (Master and Doctorate) in Business Administration, in Brazil. He holds a MSc in Production Engineering from the University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil, and PhD in Production Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. He has experience in Project Management, Industry 4.0, Sustainability, Food Safety Management Systems, Quality and Environment Management.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network Strategy and Operations
  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Network Strategy and Operations)

Research Project

2020 - Current
Research Productivity Grant (FP) level 2_308655/2019-2_Studying the relationships among Project Management, Sustainability and Project Performance, in the context of Industry 4.0
Description: The aim of the research is to study the relationships between project management, sustainability and project performance, in the context of Industry 4.0. The research will have a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), through multi-methods. For this, in the first stage, techniques of systematic literature review, bibliometry, network analysis and content analysis will be used. In the second stage, case studies will be applied in organizations with an exploratory focus involving sustainability and Industry 4.0 project managers. In the third stage, a survey will be applied with people responsible for Industry 4.0 and sustainability projects in the focus organizations, tabulating the collected and validated data through Structural Equation Modeling with estimation by the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, using the SmartPLS software. As results it is expected to improve the model based on Martens and Carvalho (2016), explore the practice and application of modeling in the routine of organizations' projects and the evaluation of the impact of using sustainability with triple-bottom line approach in project management and project performance and project management of Industry 4.0 projects. Furthermore, it is expected the training of students (training of masters, doctors and scientific initiation students), as well as the publication of articles (in periodicals and conferences) and the improvement of the graduates of the Postgraduate Program (Masters and Doctoral) in Production Engineering at UNINOVE, generating social and economic impact on society.
Status: In progress; Nature: Research.
Integrants: Mauro Luiz Martens - Coordinator
Financier(s): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Bolsa.

Disciplines Offered

  • Sustainable and Technological Projects (under development)
  • Thesis and dissertation seminars (under development)

Featured Publications

MARTENS, M. L.; CARVALHO, M. M. Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers' perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT, v. 35, p. 1084-1102, 2017. Citações scopus: 160
MARTENS, M. L.; CARVALHO, M. M. The challenge of introducing sustainability into project management function: multiple-case studies. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 117, p. 29-40, 2016. Citações scopus: 72
MARTENS, M. L.; CARVALHO, M. M. Sustainability and Success Variables in the Project Management Context: An Expert Panel. PROJECT MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, v. 47, p. 24-43, 2017. Citações scopus: 35
MARTENS, C. D. P.; MACHADO, F. J.; MARTENS, M. L.; SILVA, F. Q. P. O. E. ; FREITAS, H. M. R. Linking entrepreneurial orientation to project success. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT, v. 36, p. 255-266, 2018. Citações scopus: 35
DE ALCANTARA, D. P.; MARTENS, M. L. Technology Roadmapping (TRM): a systematic review of the literature focusing on models. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, v. 138, p. 127-138, 2019. Citações scopus: 34

Other publications
SOARES JÚNIOR, G. G. ; AYUB, O. ; GASPARIM, J. C. ; SAMPAIO, L. M. M. ; CONTADOR, J. C. ; BARBOSA, A. P. ; MONKEN, S. F. P. ; MARTENS, M. L. ; MARTENS, C. D. P. ; SATYRO, W. C. . Impacts and effects of medication use by crew and passengers during air transport. RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 11, p. e44011125251-18, 2022.
MARTINS, F. ; MARTENS, M. L. ; MONKEN, S. ; SILVA, L. F. ; GONZALEZ, E. S. . Risk management focused on best practices in healthcare data security systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION, v. 9, p. 45-78, 2021.
MARTENS, C. D. P. ; SILVA, L. F. ; SILVA, D. F. ; MARTENS, M. L. Challenges in implementing Internet projects and actions to overcome them. TECHNOVATION, v. InPres, p. 1, 2021.
SOARES JÚNIOR, G. G.; SATYRO, W. C.; BONILLA, S. H.; CONTADOR, J. C.; BARBOSA, A. P.; MONKEN, S. F. P.; MARTENS, M. L.; FRAGOMENI, M. A. Construction 4.0: Enabling technologies applied to improve workplace safety in construction. RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 10, p. e280101220280, 2021.
ENKE, E. J. F. L.; MARTENS, M. L. ; MARTENS, C. D. P.; ENKE, D. B. S. CONTADOR, J. C.; BACHIM, T.; COUTINHO, A. R.; SATYRO, W. C. Critical success factors in university-industry collaboration: a bibliometric analysis. RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 10, p. e248101321316-17, 2021.
GARCIA, V. M. M. B.; MARTENS, C. D. P.; CARVALHO, R. B.; MARTENS, M. L. Contributions of entrepreneurial orientation in the use of agile methods in project management. Innovation & Management Review, v. 18, p. 17-33, 2021.
SEKASI, J.; MARTENS, M. L. Assessing the Contributions of Urban Light Rail Transit to the Sustainable Development of Addis Ababa. Sustainability, v. 13, p. 5667, 2021.
BACHIN, T.; MARTENS, M. L.; DIGIESI, S.; TRINDADE, D. F.; RICCI, B. Improving the benefits of predictive maintenance through online spindle monitoring: a case study in woodworking machine tools. Journal of Management and Technology, v. 20, p. 7-34, 2020.
CONDÉ, G. C. P.; MARTENS, M. L. Six sigma generation and project selection: literature review and proposal of a characteristics-based method. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, v. 31, p. 1303-1312, 2020.
CONDE, G. C. ; MARTENS, M. L. Lean manufacturing projects for portfolio generation: a review of the literature. EXACTA (ONLINE), v. 16, p. 103-122, 2018.
SALLES, F.A.C. ; MARTENS, M. L. Alignment of Competencies of Conductors (Orchestras and Choirs) and Project Managers. Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management (IJoPM), v. 9, p. 01-31, 2018.
NICOLETTI JUNIOR, A. ; MARTENS, M. L. ; OLIVEIRA, M. C. ERP implementation project in a beer manufacturer: the quality attribute as a performance differential. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 15, p. 517-527, 2018.
SOARES, A. C.; MARTENS, M. L. Risk management applied as a corporate strategy for new product development projects in the chemical industry. REVISTA DE GESTÃO E PROJETOS, v. 9, p. 127-138, 2018.
Franzin, N.A. ; MARTENS, M. L. Impact of Organizational Culture on the Success of Projects: A Multiple Case Study in Brazilian Companies. Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management (IJoPM), v. 8, p. 103-132, 2017.
MARTENS, C. D. P. ; CARNEIRO, K. D. A. ; MARTENS, M. L. Contributions of entrepreneurship to project management. MundoPM (Curitiba), v. 12, p. 72-85, 2016.
MARTENS, M. L. ; KNIESS, C. T. ; MARTENS, C. D. P. ; CARVALHO, M. M. A study of sustainable innovation in product development design. Exacta (Online), v. 14, p. 477-494, 2016.
MARTENS, M. L.; CARVALHO, M. M. Sustainability assessment in project management: an exploratory study in the food sector. Production (São Paulo. On-Line), p. 782-800, 2016.

Mauro Vivaldini

Prof. Dr. Mauro Vivaldini

Professor and Leader of the Research Line Strategy and Network Operations

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Specialist in Logistics and Supply Chain. He holds a PhD in Production Engineering from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (2007), a Master's degree in Administration from the Methodist University of São Paulo, an MBA in Retailing from UFPE, a Postgraduate degree in Production Management from Faculdade Mauá, a Postgraduate degree in Marketing from Faculdade São Paulo, and a Bachelor's degree in Civil Construction from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. He is currently a Professor at the graduate program in Administration at Universidade Paulista - UNIP/SP. Besides the academic experience, he has about 30 years of experience in large national and multinational organizations in the Industrial and Services areas, acting in the command and management of the following areas: Production, Supply, and Logistics. He also acted as consultant in several projects of restructuring, merger, and construction of units for different organizations focused on providing logistics services.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network Strategy and Operations
  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Network Strategy and Operations)

Disciplines Offered

  • Supply Chain
  • Project Management

Featured Publications

Vivaldini, Mauro; Iglesias, Maria P. M. Malda. Humanitarian actions of a cultural center during the Covid-19 pandemic: an analogy with supply chain business processes. Journal of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management, v. ahead-of-print, p. 1-26, 2022.

Vivaldini, Mauro. Blockchain in operations for food service distribution: steps before implementation. International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 32 no. 3, 2021.

Vivaldini, Mauro; de Sousa, Paulo Renato. Blockchain connectivity inhibitors: weaknesses affecting supply chain interaction and resilience. Benchmarking, vol. 28 no. 10, 2021.

Vivaldini, Mauro. Logistical outsourcing in a virtual digital world: the dilemma for logistics service providers. International journal of logistics systems and management, v. 1, p. 1-26, 2021.

Machado, M. Cardoso; Vivaldini, Mauro; José de Oliveira, Otávio. Production and supply-chain as the basis for SMEs? environmental management development: a systematic literature review. Journal of cleaner production, v. 273, p. 123141, 2020.

Vivaldini, Mauro. Blockchain platforms in supply chains. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, vol. 34 no. 6, 2020.

 Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo

Prof. Dr. Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

PhD in Administration [USP], Visiting Scholar at Florida International University [FIU], Post-Doctorate in Administration [ESPM]. He has been teaching in HEIs since 2005, Prof. Dept. of Administration at PUC/SP and Full Prof. Dr. Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation in Administration at Universidade Paulista. Acted as Coordinator of Business International [Executive Education]. Leader of a funded project [CNPQ]. Regepe Associate Editor - Entrepreneurship [A3]. Leader of the Entrepreneurship track at Semead/USP [2014-present]. Develops research on franchise networks [2004-present], with publications as first author in major journals [TIBR, CR, JEEE, RAE, RAC, RAUSP etc.] and repercussion in the press [Folha de SP, Veja, Exame, PEGN, UOL, IG etc.]. Organizer of the book "Franquias Brasileiras: Estratégia, Empreendedorismo, Inovação e Internacionalização", Ed. Cengage. He has won two national awards from the Brazilian Franchising Association [TD] and the Brazilian Teleservices Association [DM]. He has also received three awards from PUC/SP [Best TCC Orientation], two awards from Colóquio de Redes [Best Article] and one award nomination from FEA/USP [Best TD]. Topics of interest: Franchise Networks, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, International Business and Emerging Markets.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Network Strategy and Operations
  • SmarTeR: Smart Technologies and Networks (Network Strategy and Operations)

Disciplines Offered

  • Business Strategy
  • Franchise Networks

Featured Publications

MELO, Pedro Lucas de Resende; CUNHA, Julio Araujo Carneiro; Telles, Renato. Franchisor Support and Brand Value Empowerment of Micro-Franchisees: A Brazilian Market Perspective. Journal Of Entrepreneurship In Emerging Economies, 2022. Ahead-of-print

MELO, Pedro Lucas de Resende; BORINI, Felipe Mendes; ISAAC, Victor Ragazzi; CORREA, Victor Silva . Regional Development and the Institutional Environment for Franchise Chains: Frontiers of Small and Medium-sized Cities. Competitiveness Review, 2022. Ahead-of-print

LANFRANCHI, Andrea Giovani; STREHLAU, Suzane; BORINI, Felipe Mendes; MELO, Pedro Lucas de Resende. Does origin matter? The impact of the institutional environment of the origin country on the internationalization of franchise chains. Multinational Business Review, v. 29, p. 96-115, 2021.

LANFRANCHI, Andrea Giovani; MELO, Pedro Lucas de Resende; BORINI, Felipe Mendes ; Telles, Renato . Institutional Environment and Internationalization of Franchise Chains: A Regional and Global Analysis. International Journal of Emerging Markets, v. 16 (4), p. 726-744, 2021.

MELO, Pedro Lucas de Resende; BORINI, Felipe Mendes; OGASAVARA, Mario Henrique. Latin America Franchise Internationalization: The Impact of Institutional Environment. Thunderbird International Business Review, v. 61, p. 217-228, 2019.

Renato Telles

Prof. Dr. Renato Telles

Full Professor and Leader of the Networks, Organizations and Society Research Line
Research Productivity Scholarship 2 - CNPq

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

Doctorate and Master's degree in Administration from FEA/USP, Degree in Economics from FEA/USP, in Engineering from Escola Politécnica/USP and in Physics from the Physics Institute / USP; researcher, professor of undergraduate and graduate stricto and lato sensu, developing work in the research lines "Networks, Organizations and Society" and "Business Strategy", with a focus on Global Competitiveness, and organizational consultant. Coordination of research project (2019-2022) funded by CNPq (Universal Call 2018 - Process 437840/2018-2). Ad hoc reviewer for FAPESP, scientific journals and congresses in Brazil and abroad. Experience in the Administration area, with emphasis in Marketing and Strategy, developing work mainly in the following topics: network organizations, business clusters, strategy, management and competitiveness.

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Networks, Organizations and Society
  • Social Network Approach
  • Clusters, Networks and Business Ecosystems

Disciplines Offered

  • Fundamentals of Administration and Networking
  • Clusters and Business Networks

Featured Publications

TELLES, R.; ARTEN, F.T.; QUEIROZ, M. M.; TELLES; CARNEIRO-DA-CUNHA, J. A. Knowledge and innovation diffusion in retailing clusters: an analysis based on the social perspective. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, v. 11, p. 268, 2020. DOI:

QUEIROZ, M. M.; TELLES, R.; BONILHA, S. H. Blockchain and supply chain management integration: a systematic review of the literature. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2019. DOI:

MACHADO, M. C.; TELLES, R.; SAMPAIO, P.; QUEIROZ, M; M. ; FERNANDES, A. C. Performance measurement for supply chain management and quality management integration. Benchmarking, v.27, pp.2130-2147, 2019. DOI:

QUEIROZ, M. M.; TELLES, R. Big data analytics in supply chain and logistics: an empirical approach. The International Journal of Logistics Management, v.29, n.2, pp. 767-783, 2018. DOI:

MACHADO, M. C.; MENDES, E. F.; TELLES, R.; SAMPAIO, P. Towards a new model for SME self-assessment: a Brazilian empirical study. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (Online), v. 31, p. 1041-1059, 2018. DOI:

Roberto Bazanini

Prof. Dr. Roberto Bazanini

Full Professor

Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration
Universidade Paulista

Curriculum Vitae

He has a degree in Administration (1982), a degree in Pedagogy (1985) and a degree in Philosophy (1988), Master's in Social Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (1993), Doctorate in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1998) and Post-Doctorate in Communication and Culture from Paulista University (2015). He worked for several years in advertising copywriting. Since 2002 he has been a full professor at the Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Author of over ten books and 60 scientific articles related to the interfaces of philosophy with business management, particularly from the social network perspective, with emphasis on issues related to stakeholder theory in different sectors of the economy and, more recently, the strategic aspects of Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESG).

Additional Information

Research Lines and Groups

  • Research Group: Social Approaches to Organizational Networks

Disciplines Offered

  • Qualitative Methodology I
  • Culture in Power in Networked Organizations

Featured Publications

ARMONI, Amnon; RYNGELBLUM, Arnaldo; BAZANINI, Roberto. The possibility of coexistence of different MBA logics in Brazil. The International Journal of Management Education, v. 20, n. 1, p. 100571, 2022. DOI:

BAZANINI, ROBERTO; DA SILVA, Joanilson Rodrigues ; BIFFI, Marcos Antonio . empreendedorismo Social em Redes Interorganizacionais: o fluxo mimético como absorção adaptativa na formação de competências para o empoderamento social. Gestão & Regionalidade (online), v. 36, p. 163-181, 2020 DOI:

MACHADO JUNIOR, CELSO; NASSIF MANTOVANI RIBEIRO, DAIELLY MELINA ; DA SILVA PEREIRA, RAQUEL ; BAZANINI, ROBERTO . Do Brazilian cities want to become smart or sustainable?. Journal of Cleaner Production, jcr, v. 199, p. 214-221, 2018. DOI:

BAZANINI, Roberto; GIGLIO, Ernesto Michelângelo. The role of stakeholders in Solomon’s Temple: an exploratory study. Organizações & Sociedade, v. 24, p. 674-690, 2017. DOI:

BAZANINI, R.; MARGUEIRO, E. A. ; DONAIRE, D. ; MENDES, K. R. N. . Reflexões sobre as concepções de poder nas redes interorganizacionais: uma proposta conceitual para futuros estudos. Revista Eletrônica de Estratégia e Negócios, jcr, v. 10, p. 169-200, 4, 2017. DOI: