Master's degree: Recommended by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES, according to the area's Evaluation Committee, and judged by the CTC/CAPES, at its 192nd Meeting, which took place from March 4th to 6th, 2020. Recognized by Ministerial Ordinance number 997, of November 23, 2020, and by the Higher Education Chamber of the National Council of Education, CNE/CES Opinion number 351/2020, of June 17, 2020, as published in the Official Gazette of the Union, November 24, 2020, Section 1 - ISSN 1677-7042, p. 224.
General Objective
To prepare, in a technical, scientific and innovative way, health professionals capable of analyzing, developing, implementing and monitoring policies, methods, instruments, actions and empirical knowledge in the field of mental health in its various contexts, based on the concept of biopsychosocial human being and of integral health, aiming at the transformation of actions in mental health in society and generating a healthy development for human beings and better quality of life for them.
Specific objectives
To provide technical and scientific training to human resources that meet the demand in regional mental health; to develop, together with the students, innovative practices of psychosocial action in mental health; to enable students to improve their performance in multidisciplinary teams and other interface practices with the health and social fields; to develop the student's critical sense in their professional performance, through theoretical-practical and scientific articulation, in order to contribute to the development of Psychology and its interfaces as a Science; to develop diagnostic surveys of mental health and social assistance services aiming at service improvements; to develop programs and methods applicable in the regional reality of mental health services in the metropolitan region of Ribeirão Preto, extending to other geographic regions; to provide technical and scientifically based services to the population demanding mental health services; foster the transformation of regional mental health services through innovative practices.
Graduate profile
Having as main objective the technical, scientific and innovative preparation of health professionals so that they are able to analyze, develop, implement and monitor policies, methods, instruments, actions and empirical knowledge in the field of mental health in its various contexts, the graduate of the professional master's degree in “Práticas de Institucionais em Saúde Mental†should have the technical and scientific skills to analyze, design, implement and evaluate transformative actions in the field of mental health in institutions from a systemic and generalist perspective. Such skills must be integrated in the graduate through the competence of integrative action of the different services and equipment, therefore, they must have a broad knowledge of the entire socio, political and economic process that is articulated with the mental health process in different institutional contexts, added of entrepreneurial attitudes towards social transformation.
The history of the conception and proposal of the professional master's program in "Práticas Institucionais em Saúde Mental" has its origin in the diversity of activities developed by the faculty of the Psychology course at UNIP Campus Ribeirão Preto. Each of the professors spent more than fifteen years developing scientific and technical activities that focused on the same theme, psychosocial action in institutions.
In 2015, the first research group of the Psychology course at the Ribeirão Preto campus of Universidade Paulista - UNIP, "Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Estresse Ocupacional e Saúde Mental no Trabalho", which now, reconfigured and called "Grupo de Pesquisas em Saúde Mental nos Contextos Institucionais", supports this professional master's degree. This group originated from the research work developed since 2003 at UNIP, which, in the last ten years, has made up a total of twenty-nine scientific initiation grants from the proposing group, as a whole in the last ten years.
The group has an international cooperation agreement between researchers with Professor Marc Corbiére phd, from UQAM - Université du Quebec to Montreal and constitutes itself as the only representative in South America of the research network of the Center d'Etude et Recherche in Santé Mentale et Travail from Canada.
On the other hand, through the curricular internships of the undergraduate course in Psychology, voluntary actions, extension work and their professional activities parallel to teaching, professors had been developing technical work in institutions focused on health care, mental health, legal assistance , social assistance, education and organizations.
In particular, regarding the amount of technical work that the group had been developing, the following stand out: In the area of public health, the development, implementation and supervision of psychological services in Basic Health Units - UBS in the cities of Ribeirão Preto, Tambaú, Altinópolis, São Simão, Sertãozinho, Guatapará, Porto Ferreira and Orlândia, among others in the surroundings of Ribeirão Preto - SP. Such services aimed at individual and group care for UBS (Unidades Básicas de Saúde - UBS ) users, in the format of waiting room service and discussion groups for health promotion. In addition, services and protocols were developed and implemented for the care of patients with chronic pain and kidney problems in hemodialysis services.
In the area of Neuropsychology, the neuropsychological assessment of learning problems was being carried out, with the issuance of reports for directing children in state, municipal and private schools, in addition to the elaboration and conduction of several short-term courses in the area.
In the school area, works were carried out in public schools, initially aimed at understanding the structure and dynamics of the work developed in the school institution that presented the complaint. Then, individual and group services were implemented for students, teachers, employees and parents, and such services addressed issues related to schooling, sociability and sexual education problems in a broad way.
In the legal area, acting through the assessment of factors of social vulnerability and the issuance of psychological reports supporting judicial decision-making in judicial processes affecting children and youth, family and succession, the elderly, domestic and family violence against women, this in the cities of Ribeirão Preto and surroundings such as Batatais, Brodowski, Altinópolis and Orlândia.
In the area of social assistance, the activity carried out together with the "Voluntários do Sertão" program stands out, in which, once a year, for a week, professionals from different areas of health work in a city in the interior of northeastern Brazil and, In this work, with regard to Psychology, members of the group proposing this master's degree worked in leading groups of mothers and adolescents, giving lectures in schools, psychosocial care and with community therapy. In addition, there is work with the “Conselho Municipal da Criança e do Adolescente†(Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents), in which members of the group act as representatives of universities and as a counselor.
In the area of mental health, work has been carried out aimed at the resocialization of patients with severe mental disorders in daily routine activities, in which, through the work of Therapeutic Companion, the insertion of the patient in daily activities was carried out. Also, in this area, theoretical and practical guidance works were carried out for the local community with professionals working in the mental health area, in addition to organizing and holding events aimed at guiding family members of people with severe mental disorders.
In the area of mental health and work, activities were being carried out aimed at evaluating the mental health status of the demand that resorted to CEREST “Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador†– (Reference Center for Worker's Health) in Ribeirão Preto, in order to refer cases that needed psychological follow-up to the city's mental health and psychology services. Internally to public and private organizations, organizational diagnosis activities were also developed with a focus on mental health and stress at work to, from the results, develop interventions such as organizational development groups aimed at preventing mental health problems arising from the work.
Noting that the work of all professors, despite the diversity, was directed towards the axis of mental health in institutional contexts and, based on the research group already established since 2015, in 2018 a change was made in the research group taking away the specificity of studies on occupational stress and mental health at work and redirecting it to Mental Health in Institutional Contexts.
In this way, mental health was established as a new area of concentration in institutional contexts, understanding "Institution" as a construct that encompasses precepts, values, rules, practices and actions and that can interfere positively or negatively in the health-disease process of individuals at the same time throughout its life cycle.
Starting from the specificities of the human development process, it was understood that children and adolescents, as they are in an intense process of development and, therefore, more vulnerable than adults, established new lines of research for the group, covering the stages of development of the life cycle and, thus reconstituted, the Research Group on Mental Health in Institutional Contexts turned to its first joint production, the book "Práticas Psicossociais em Saúde Mental: da diversidade teórica ao encontro das atuações" (Sinopsys Editora), organized by the coordinator of the professional master's program and written by the members of the group. Released in April 2019, in the book, each member of the group narrates a little of their practical performances in the area of mental health. Based on different theoretical approaches, such as Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology and covering different institutional contexts such as public, school, clinical and legal health, the book was integrated into the guiding principle of practice aimed at promoting, preventing and treating problems of mental health in its different institutional contexts and consolidated the profile of the research group.
Encouraged by the publication and wide acceptance of the book by the community, the "I Encontro Internacional de Práticas Psicossociais em Saúde Mental" took place on the Ribeirão Preto campus of UNIP, on April 29 and 30, 2019, a meeting that aimed to generate a space for sharing and discussing psychosocial practices in mental health and soon it was widely accepted by the Psychology community in the city of Ribeirão Preto, region and south of Minas Gerais, having its 400 vacancies sold out twenty days before it was held. The Meeting enabled the consolidation of the research group in view of its purposes, including internationally seeking knowledge and technologies that can be adapted and implemented with the Brazilian population. In this sense, the opening conference of the meeting was given in person by the international collaborator of the research group, Prof. Marc Corbiere, phd from UQAM - Université du Quebec to Montreal and a closing lecture given by Prof. Dr. Manoel Antônio dos Santos (FFCLRP-USP). 52 papers were presented and the entire production of the meeting was organized in Annals (ISBN: 978-85-68328-05-7) The integration of all the professors with the new configuration of the research group, the analysis of training, practical experience, teaching experience, the group's technical work, the insertion and experience of the faculty in the midst of health institutions in the region of Ribeirão Preto and encouraged by the wide repercussion of the “I Encontro Internacional de Práticas Psicossociais em Saúde Mental", the idea was consolidated even more of the proposition of the professional master's Institutional Practices in Mental Health.
The professional master's Institutional Practices in Mental Health has its area of concentration in mental health in institutional contexts and its objectives are aimed at the transformation of mental health actions in society, focused on a graduate who must have the technical and scientific skills to analyze, design, implement and evaluate transformative actions in the field of mental health in institutions from a systemic and generalist perspective.
The program differs from other professional master's degrees in Psychology in the state of São Paulo by basing its training activities on actions linked to institutions and social and health facilities that are already established and lacking in innovative programs at the levels of promotion, prevention and treatment. We work, not only in the sense of developing, through the professional master's degree, a space that aims to train human resources for mental health with high technical-scientific training, but transcends its initial objective by proposing the mission of transformation of mental health actions in society, generating healthy development for human beings and better quality of life for them.
Thus, focused on mental health in institutional contexts and divided into two lines of research, one focusing on children and adolescents and the other focusing on adults, the professional master's program proposed here integrates the generality of a teaching staff experienced in the specificity of institutional interventions necessary in mental health, respecting and meeting the social, cultural and economic reality of the Ribeirão Preto region.
Mental Health in Institutional Contexts
Health is considered in contemporary times as the result of an inseparable biopsychosocial process. Thus, talking about mental health purely and simply, detached from other aspects, is meaningless. When approaching mental health, the aspects surrounding it must be considered, considering the interdependence and interdetermination of biological, psychological and social factors. Social factors are organized, and act on the individual, from institutions such as the family, schools, organizations in which the individual works, social support organizations such as ONGs (Organizações não Governamentais) (Non-Governmental Organizations), care and health care institutions such as UBS (Unidade Básica de Saúde) ( Basic Health Unit), CAPS (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial), hospitals and CR (Centros de Referência), among others. Understanding "Institution" as a construct that encompasses precepts, values, rules, actions and actions, such institutions can interfere positively or negatively in the health-disease process of individuals throughout their life cycle. Knowing and acting on the aspects of negative interference, redirecting them to the development of positive interference and guaranteeing mental health to the population is a possible and viable task and in this performance the activities of this professional master's program are concentrated.
Projeto 1- Espiritualidade/Religiosidade, dor e saúde mental nos contextos institucionais
Espiritualidade/Religiosidade é um fenômeno que permeia diferentes experiências humanas, dentre elas: a dor, em sua compreensão ampliada; a saúde mental, em diferentes aspectos e contextos. Em relação a dor, que é uma das queixas mais prevalentes no mundo, diversos estudos apontam possibilidades de manejo por meio de recursos que levam em conta a espiritualidade/religiosidade. A complexidade e a subjetividade que compõe o fenômeno doloroso, podem tornar-se um desafio para profissionais no reconhecimento, na avaliação e no cuidado, revelando a necessidade de estreitamento do diálogo entre os diferentes saberes, para o manejo adequado, especialmente quando se considera o conceito de dor total, que abarca aspectos físicos, emocionais, sociais, espirituais, dentre outros. Já no que diz respeito à saúde mental, recursos ligados a espiritualidade/religiosidade também têm garantido estratégias de manejo adequadas, promovendo melhora na qualidade de vida. Assim, há reconhecidamente na literatura internacional, evidências da importância da espiritualidade/religiosidade no manejo da dor e da saúde mental, nas diversas instituições em que os indivíduos estão inseridos, o que implica na relevância de estudos que contemplem estes fenômenos. O objetivo desse projeto de pesquisa é preparar os profissionais para a identificação de recursos da espiritualidade/religiosidade que possam auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias de manejo da dor e da saúde mental, pensando-se nos diferentes contextos institucionais (na família, no ensino, na saúde, no trabalho, etc.).
Docente responsável: Simone Saltareli
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 2- A educação sexual, nas instituições, como recurso para o desenvolvimento da saúde mental e sexual
A sexualidade é parte constituinte da subjetividade humana, demandando, portanto, compreensão, reflexão e intervenção para que se possa contribuir de forma positiva durante todo o desenvolvimento da pessoa, seja criança, adolescente, adulto ou idoso. O conceito de sexualidade aqui se compreende em um sentido amplo, englobando afeto, amor, amizade, gênero, práticas sexuais, orientação sexual, reprodução e prazer; e seus desdobramentos como abuso sexual, vivência autônoma da sexualidade, diversidade de gênero, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, dentre outros. Pretende-se neste projeto instrumentalizar o profissional de saúde e educação para realização de atividades de educação sexual nas instituições como: escolas, famílias, ONGs e comunidades, que possam levar a compreensão da importância da atuação do profissional de saúde na identificação dos fatores de risco e de proteção relacionados a conscientização de uma educação sexual ao longo do desenvolvimento. Considerando que a relação da pessoa com seu entorno pode contribuir para a construção de ideias errôneas e pré-conceitos com relação à vivência da sexualidade, ideias essas que favoreçam o desenvolvimento de psicopatologias, a ênfase dos trabalhos, nesse projeto, será nas instituições que contribuem sobremaneira para o desenvolvimento da subjetividade da pessoa. Como produtos resultantes pretende-se elaborar e implantar instrumentos e procedimentos que possibilitem o desenvolvimento saudável da sexualidade, criando recursos para a vivência de uma sexualidade autônoma.
Docente responsável: Selma Aparecida Geraldo Benzoni
Linha 1: Saúde mental e os diferentes contextos institucionais de desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 3- A saúde mental, o desenvolvimento e as competências sociais em contextos educacionais e em situações adversas
A literatura apresenta o impacto de algumas situações de vida, contexto e características individuais, tais como habilidades e competências, sobre desenvolvimento e saúde. A capacidade de superação diante de adversidades pode ser caracterizada como resiliência. As habilidades sociais podem atuar como fatores de proteção e, consequentemente, estar associada ao enfrentamento de adversidades, fomentando a promoção e prevenção em saúde mental. Os contextos institucionais, especialmente os educacionais, também são potenciais promotores do desenvolvimento e da saúde, e podem ser interessantes para investigação e atuação preventivas, de caráter universal e seletivo. O presente projeto tem como objetivo identificar fatores de promoção e de risco para a Saúde Mental e desenvolvimento, especificamente em contextos educacionais, como escolas e universidades, bem como em contextos que são considerados adversos, tais como estar em situação de rua, clínicas de reabilitação, acolhimento e de extrema pobreza. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos possam auxiliar na identificação de fatores de promoção e prevenção na saúde mental em contextos educacionais e em condições adversas para que sejam realizadas ações preventivas e intervencionais.
Docente responsável: Marta Regina Gonçalves Correia Zanini
Linha 1: Saúde mental e os diferentes contextos institucionais de desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 4- Crianças, adolescentes e adultos em contexto de risco e vulnerabilidade social
A violência é considerada, pela organização mundial de saúde, um problema de saúde pública com caráter multifatorial e multidimensional. Os países como o Brasil, em que as políticas públicas ainda estão em desenvolvimento, precisam ampliar seus estudos contemplando não só o fenômeno da violência, mas também os fatores de risco e de proteção, para que as políticas públicas possam ter mais ações que contemplem com eficácia a população que dela se beneficia. Este projeto objetiva identificar indicadores de risco e proteção a pessoas em situação de risco e vulnerabilidade social (crianças, adolescentes, adultos, idosos), bem como os profissionais que cuidam desta população. O projeto foca a elaboração e aplicação de práticas interventivas em contextos institucionais de baixa, média e alta complexidade propiciando desta maneira a melhoria dos contextos desenvolvimentais, salvaguardando a saúde mental e produzindo tecnologia especializada.
Docente responsável: Ana Carolina Ferreira Castanho
Linha 1: Saúde mental e os diferentes contextos institucionais de desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 5- Demandas e atuações de saúde mental em contextos de atenção à saúde coletiva
As instituições que correspondem à porta de entrada para o Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, recebem uma demanda diversificada. Considerando o aspecto biopsicossocial, qualquer enfermidade que seja atendida em uma unidade de saúde deverá demandar um olhar mais complexo e sistêmico. Este estudo é orientado a identificar as necessidades prevalentes, fatores de risco e/ou proteção de saúde mental à usuários, familiares e equipe de profissionais que atuam em diferentes contextos de atenção à saúde pública. Dessa forma, serão investigadas as demandas de saúde mental, considerando os fatores biológicos, psicológicos e sociais envolvidos, com o intuito de produzir novas estratégias de promoção, prevenção e intervenção à saúde mental coletiva.
Docente responsável: Ana Paula Parada
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 6- Envelhecimento, práticas psicossociais para qualidade de vida na longevidade e os cuidados ofertados pelas equipes de saúde
A morte é uma possibilidade na vida do todo ser humano em qualquer momento da vida. Como parte de nossa cultura ocidental, muitos adultos evitam falar sobre o envelhecimento e das possibilidades de aproximação com a morte, uma vez que não foram educados na formação para lidar com perdas e com o manejo da finitude. Esse cenário muitas vezes leva os cuidadores profissionais à impotência e ao adoecimento por não haver uma cultura de acolher e lidar com perdas. Este projeto visa investigar as intervenções do psicólogo e de outros profissionais envolvidos no cuidado ao luto perante pacientes, famílias e equipes de saúde, sobre os desafios que todos enfrentam em processos vitais do envelhecimento e a falta de ação efetiva e humanizada de cuidado com a finitude humana. O objetivo é preparar profissionais como psicólogos, médicos, fisioterapeutas, terapeutas ocupacionais, enfermeiros, assistentes sociais e outros que atuam, ou desejam atuar, no tema envelhecimento e luto. O projeto trabalha com estudos quanti-qualitativos, buscando desenvolver práticas mediante os diferentes métodos de pesquisa e as necessidades dos cenários de saúde, dos usuários envolvidos, das instituições e do cuidado, levantados por meio da Cartografia. Campos como a psico-oncologia, a gerontologia, a psiquiatria, a neurologia, a educação continuada de profissionais da saúde e psicologia clínica, entre outros, constituem campos de atuação do projeto.
Docente responsável: Lílian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 7- Intervenção psicossocial, com foco no estresse em trabalhadores acometidos por problemas de saúde relacionados ao trabalho
No contexto de trabalho, junto a organizações públicas e privadas, observa-se a manifestação de muitos comprometimentos da saúde mental e, partindo de uma referência teórica da psicologia cognitiva comportamental, tomando o estresse como manifestação de problemas psicossociais e de saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho, o projeto busca uma compreensão ampla e transcultural das questões psicológicas e sociais que interferem negativamente na qualidade de vida, funcionalidade e capacidade produtiva de trabalhadores adoecidos. Fundamentado na CIF - Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade e Incapacidade (OMS), o projeto é desenvolvido por meio de metodologias quantitativas, qualitativas e de intervenção, tendo como participantes trabalhadores dos setores público e privado. Tem como produtos o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de diagnóstico, metodologias de intervenção para recuperação, fortalecimento e reinserção destes trabalhadores nas atividades produtivas, bem como o desenvolvimento e implantação de programas educativos relacionados à promoção de saúde e prevenção relativas à saúde mental e trabalho.
Docente responsável: Paulo Eduardo Benzoni
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 8- Neuropsicologia do desenvolvimento nos contextos da educação e saúde
Os problemas referentes ao neurodesenvolvimento e cognição têm sido foco de constantes debates e preocupações envolvendo teóricos tanto da educação quanto da saúde. Considerando a premissa da neuroplasticidade e a perspectiva da constituição do desenvolvimento humano a partir de variáveis biológicas, socioafetivas e culturais, o presente projeto tem como objetivo compreender e identificar fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento de crianças pré-escolares e escolares, no contexto dos transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento e problemas de aprendizagem. Trabalha-se com instrumentos de avaliação, bem como outras metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas. Pretende-se assim contribuir na identificação de aspectos protetores do desenvolvimento infantil, bem como planejar ações de promoção de saúde junto a profissionais que atuem nos contextos escolar e da saúde.
Docente responsável: Ângela Cristina Pontes Fernandes
Linha 1: Saúde mental e os diferentes contextos institucionais de desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente
Projeto 9- Práticas de reinserção social e de promoção da cidadania no contexto da saúde mental
Trabalho orientado pela constatação de que os trabalhadores da área de saúde mental necessitam nortear suas práticas pela Legislação atual, especialmente no que se refere aos serviços que pretendem substituir as antigas internações em hospitais psiquiátricos. Tem como objetivo a promoção da cidadania de egressos de internações psiquiátricas e/ou pessoas com demandas de ressocialização. Neste sentido, práticas clínicas institucionais a partir do referencial teórico-metodológico dos grupos operativos e da fenomenologia serão utilizadas na discussão e orientação de possíveis intervenções nos serviços de saúde mental do município. Como método de coleta e análise dos dados de pesquisas aqui desenvolvidas, também serão utilizados os mesmos referenciais, visando a loucura como um fenômeno social e passível de compreensão no contexto coletivo em que se manifesta.
Docente responsável: Isabel Cristina Carniel
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Projeto 10- Problemas de saúde mental no contexto educacional e seus efeitos nos processos de desenvolvimento humano
Nos últimos anos um novo paradigma em saúde mental vem se consolidando nos contextos educacionais, através do qual práticas mais abrangentes e contextualizadas de prevenção e de promoção de saúde psicológica estão ganhando espaço. Crianças e adolescentes afetadas por fatores de risco apresentam com maior frequência problemas emocionais, de aprendizagem, de escolarização, de socialização, de comportamento, evasão escolar, dentre outros. Observa-se um aumento nos índices de afastamento do trabalho por profissionais da educação devido à problemas relacionados ao bem-estar no contexto educacional. Diversos são os efeitos que problemas de saúde mental vivenciados no contexto educacional podem ocasionar nos processos de desenvolvimento psicológico. A partir dos pressupostos da Psicologia Sócio Interacionista, este projeto tem dois objetivos principais: a) fazer um levantamento de indicadores produtores de problemas de saúde mental relacionados aos contextos educacionais, e investigar seus efeitos nos processos de desenvolvimento psicológico; e b) elaborar práticas interventivas buscando-se a promoção da saúde mental. Trabalhar-se-á com metodologias qualitativas, quantitativas, instrumentos de avaliação, e pesquisas com intervenção, possibilitando a construção de práticas inovadoras, em uma perspectiva crítica e interdisciplinar.
Docente responsável: Caroline Francisca Eltink
Linha 1: Saúde mental e os diferentes contextos institucionais de desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente
Linha 2: Saúde mental do adulto nos diferentes contextos institucionais
Physical space:
- Rooms for theoretical classes and seminars: 6 air-conditioned rooms, with microcomputers, data shows, DVDs, screens, tables and chairs.
- Space for Psychosocial Work: consisting of a building outside the campus, located in the central region of the city of Ribeirão Preto - SP and with easy access to the population. The space has 5 private and soundproofed rooms for individual service, air-conditioned, equipped with padded table and chairs; 4 rooms for group service, air-conditioned, with soundproofing, table and chairs for group participants and a mirror room, air-conditioned, with table and chairs, equipped with a translucent mirror for observation and a microphone with sound connected to the darkroom.
- Student room: air-conditioned meeting and study rooms for students, with tables, chairs, microcomputers with high speed internet access including wireless system, scanner and printer.
- Teachers' room: the program's professors have a room for meeting and student guidance, air-conditioned, with tables, chairs, microcomputers with high-speed Internet access including wireless system, scanner and printer.
- Permanent professors' workrooms : There are four air-conditioned rooms, with table, chairs, microcomputer with high speed internet access including wireless system, scanner and printer.
- Video conference room: an air-conditioned room, with data show, microcomputers, access to video conference (Computers - Celeron J1800 2.5Ghz - 4gb RAM, 19" monitors, Projector - BenQ MS531 3000 lumens, Webcam - Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, Internet - 100 megs with redundant link) with image, sound and file sharing, screens, meeting table and chairs intended for meetings with international program partners.
- Rooms for Qualifications and Defenses: Air-conditioned space equipped with a projector, computers, videoconferencing access, screens, padded chairs, and a table for up to five panel members. It has 37 seats for the audience, plus a reserved space for wheelchair users.
- Postgraduate Department that supports the Program's students and professors.
- Auditoriums: on the Ribeirão Preto campus there are six auditoriums with a capacity of 150 seats, and an amphitheater with a capacity for 590 seats, all with all the infrastructure for holding courses and events.
Computer resources
The Computer Laboratory, student and faculty rooms are equipped with computers connected to the UNIP computer network, with high-speed internet access, including the wireless system, e-mail and library network, which allows access to the entire the University's bibliographic collection.
UNIP makes available to postgraduate students a computer lab that contains 20 microcomputers, 01 printer and a computer technician at their disposal. All computers have state-of-the-art software for performing statistical analyses, preparing teaching materials, databases and text editors.
The organization of UNIP libraries aims to meet the needs of courses and other activities at the University, supporting teaching and research. We highlight the availability of the CAPES Papers’ Portal for the entire academic community. Students and professors can consult books, monographs, theses, videos, CD-ROMs and periodicals through a totally revolutionary system, as libraries are already structured to support teaching and research within a multi-campus organization. The sector libraries (one on each campus) are controlled by a central information unit via. All the institution's libraries are connected online via the Internet, allowing full use of services and resources 24 hours a day, and respecting the decentralization of collections, necessary due to the different locations of the campuses. The current collection has 1,170,943 units of the most varied titles that are franchised to users, available for home loan and local consultation, with 24-hour online access for consultation, renewal and reservation.
Institutional Partnerships
The institutions, through the signing of Protocols of Cooperation between Institutions or Letter of Intent for Collaboration in Research, signed an interest and commitment in, in the form of partnerships, providing spaces for the development of practical activities concerning the program. These institutions are:
- Municipal Health Department of Ribeirão Preto, which, by means of a Letter of Intent for Collaboration in Research (Official No. 2064/2019), the Municipal Health Secretary assumed a commitment to collaborate in the research to be developed by the students of the professional master's degree Institutional Practices in Mental Health, in all units that comprise municipal health services, especially services related to the provision of primary health care and mental health care.
- “O Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador - CEREST e Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador – AST†(The Reference Center for Occupational Health - CEREST and Reference Center for Occupational Health – AST), through a Letter of Intent for Collaboration in Research, made the service spaces available and allowed access to the demand of service users to carry out research conducted by students of the professional master's degree. CEREST consists of a health reference center that receives and directs workers affected by work-related health problems to the SUS network, and AST provides medical, physical and speech therapy, among others, to workers.
- A Unidade de Tratamento Dialítico e Transplante Renal de Sertãozinho - UNTR-SERT (The Sertãozinho Dialysis and Renal Transplantation Unit - UNTR-SERT), located in the city of Sertãozinho, in the metropolitan region of Ribeirão Preto, it provides hemodialysis and psychosocial support services to patients with chronic kidney disease and their families. Through a Protocol of Cooperation between Institutions, it signed a commitment to the professional master's program, making service spaces available and allowing access to the demand of service users to carry out research conducted by students.
- The Court of the District of Ribeirão Preto - SP / Annex of Domestic and Family Violence, by means of a Letter of Intent for Collaboration in Research signed by its representative Judge, assumed a commitment to collaborate in research arising from the professional master's program, providing access to users of the aforementioned service in the Annex. The Domestic and Family Violence Annex works in the psychosocial sphere, providing support to victims of domestic violence.
- O SESI/SP - Serviço Social da Indústria - Área de Educação (The SESI/SP - Social Service of Industry - Education Area), By means of a Letter of Intent for Collaboration in Research signed by the Executive Director, it assumed a commitment to collaborate in the research arising from the professional master's program, providing access to students, teachers, employees and parents for the development of work arising from the professional master's degree.
- “A Escola Estadual Profa. Cordélia Ribeiro Ragozo†(The State School Prof. Cordelia Ribeiro Ragozo), through its Director, signed a Protocol of Cooperation between Institutions, authorizing access to students, teachers, employees and parents for the development of work arising from the professional master's degree.
- The education sector company Parada Cursos Livres Eireli - ME, which operates in the segment of professional courses and its proposal is to provide, mainly to the population that lacks financial resources, opportunities to work in several areas directly linked to the current and future demands of the job market. With this institution, a Protocol of Cooperation between Institutions was signed, allowing access to students, teachers, employees and parents for the development of works arising from the professional master's degree.
- “A Associação de Apoio ao Psicótico – AAPSI†(The Psychotic Support Association – AAPSI) aims to help people with mental disorders and their families through different types of groups and workshops. By means of a Letter of Intent for Collaboration in Research, it assumed a commitment to open space for the realization of work by students of the professional master's degree with its users, patients and their families, in addition to the organization's staff.
- “A Associação Programa de Mãos Estendidas†(The Extended Hands Program Association) - PME, a Non-Governmental Organization that works with cases of domestic violence, signed a Protocol of Cooperation between Institutions, providing access to users of its services, as well as employees to carry out the work arising from the professional master's degree. The PME works towards the empowerment and breaking of violence against women, through prevention, through awareness and sensitization. Its target audience is women, from young people to the elderly, as well as the actors of violence
- “A Associação Amigos do Autista†(The Friends of Autistic Association) - AMA - Ribeirão Preto SP, is a non-profit Civil Association, which aims to create educational programs of adaptation and social integration to people with autism, in addition to disseminating knowledge about ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder through campaigns and activities aimed at: motivating, guiding and welcoming families in the search for diagnosis, treatment, social and school inclusion of the person with ASD. Through a Protocol of Cooperation between Institutions, it provided access to users of its services, including children, adolescents and parents, as well as employees to carry out work arising from the professional master's degree.
- “O Lar Anália Franco†(The Analia Franco Home), a philanthropic institution in the city of Ribeirão Preto, dedicated to social work, works in campaigns to collect and manufacture goods and products necessary for people in vulnerable situations, such as clothes and food. It is currently implementing a project aimed at the adequate insertion of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in the job market. Through a Protocol of Cooperation between Institutions signed by its president, it made available the physical and social structure of the institution to carry out the work arising from the professional master's degree.
International Exchanges:
Research collaboration agreement signed with UQAM - Université du Quebec à Montreal in Canada, which places the research group as the sole representative in South America of the research network of the Center d'Etude et Recherche in Santé Mentale et Travail, Canada . The work with UQAM is carried out in conjunction with Professor Marc Corbière phd, an international collaborator of the research group, and has been developed since 2016.