Project: Impact of intentional exposure of barriers of PTFE-d in guided bone regeneration for alveolus preservation: microbiological and radiographic analysis of patient-centred parameters of the molecular pattern of bone repair and stability peri-implant
Professor in charge: Fernanda Vieira Ribeiro
Fostering Body: FAPESP
Process #: 2017/19834-0 - valid from 01/Jun/2018 to 31/May/2020
Amount in BRL: R$ 133.288,05
Amount in USD: US$ 10,246.50
Project: Epigenetic regulation of osteogenic potential in mesenchymal stem cells derived from periodontal ligament.
Professor in charge: Denise Carleto Andia (UNIP) and Malgorzata Wiench (UoB)
Fostering Body: FAPESP and the University of Birmingham
Process #: FAPESP 2017/07944-5
Amounts in GBP: £ 20,000 (FAPESP) + £ 20,000 (UoB) = £ 40,000 total
Project: Role of resveratrol in the control of bone alterations associated with osteoporosis: study in ovariectomized rats
Professor in charge: Suzana Peres Pimentel
Fostering Body: FAPESP
Process #: 2015/24458-1 - from 2016 to 2018
Amount in BRL: R$ 52.378,00
Project: Treatment of residual pouches with photodynamic therapy in patients with history of aggressive periodontitis. Clinical, microbiological and patient-centred immunoenzymatic evaluation
Professor in charge: Mônica Grazieli Corrêa
Fostering Body: FAPESP
Process #: 2016/12758-3 - Ended September/2018
Research Support: Regular
Amount in BRL: R$ 38.621,75
Amount in USD: US$ 8,085.00
Project: Clinical, radiographic, microbiological and profile evaluation of local biomarkers of the impact of the switching platform in dental rehabilitation of type-2 diabetic patients by means of overdentures retained on implants
Professor in charge: Mônica Grazieli Corrêa
Fostering Body: CNPq
Process #: Universal Aid number 421504/2018-8
Project: Biological characterization of experimental resinous systems containing different systems of initiation
Professor in charge: Adriano Fonseca de Lima
Fostering Body: CNPq
Process #: 404519/2016-4
Research Support: MCT/CNPq-N º 01/2016 - Universal/Universal 01/2016 - Track A
Amount in BRL: R$ 29.700,00
Project: Clinical, prospective, randomized, parallel and of split-mouth study on the influence of different macro-geometries and surface treatments of dental implants inserted in smoking patients. Clinical and Immunologic aspects (SIN-National Implant System)
Professor in charge: Fabiano Ribeiro
Amount in BRL: R$ 131,000.00
Project: Evaluation of the superficial deformation of the bone generated by axial and oblique loads in implants of different lengths
Professor in charge: Alfredo Mikail Mesquita
Fostering Body: Company Implacil de Bortoli
Amount in BRL: R$ 16,000.00
Project: Comparative analysis of the resistance of extra-tight and tight single body implants and of Morse Cone-type implants
Professor in charge: Alfredo Mikail Mesquita
Fostering Body: Implacil de Bortoli
Amount in BRL: R$ 20,000.00
Project: Comparison pro-between two implant models: Extraoral and Intraoral (pilot study)
Professor in charge: Alfredo Mikail Mesquita
Fostering Body: Company Connection Systems of prosthesis
Amount in BRL: R$ 4,500.00
- 2024 Dissertations Thesis
- 2023 Dissertations Thesis
- 2022 Dissertations Thesis
- 2021 Dissertations Thesis
- 2020 Dissertations Thesis
- 2019 Dissertations Thesis
- 2018 Dissertations Thesis
- 2017 Dissertations
- 2016 Dissertations
- 2015 Dissertations
- 2014 Dissertations
- 2013 Dissertations
- 2012 Dissertations
- 2011 Dissertations
- 2010 Dissertations
- 2009 Dissertations
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- 2006 Dissertations
- 2005 Dissertations
- 2004 Dissertations
- 2003 Dissertations
- 2002 Dissertations
- 2001 Dissertations
- 2000 Dissertations
- 1999 Dissertations
- 1998 Dissertations
Professor Dr. Adriano Fonseca de Lima | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Alfredo Mikail Melo Mesquita | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Cintia Helena Coury Saraceni (Coordinator) | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Cristina Lúcia Feijó Ortolani | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Denise Carleto Andia | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Elcio Magdalena Giovani | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Fabiano Ribeiro Cirano | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Luciano Lauria Dib | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Márcio Zaffalon Casati | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Mônica Grazieli Corrêa | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Suzana Peres Pimentel | Lattes CV |
Professor Dr. Vanessa Gallego Arias Pecorari | Lattes CV |
Book Chapters
Miyashita E, Mesquita AMM, Souza ROA. Plano de Tratamento Integrado em Reabilitação Oral. In: Mesquita AMM, Shibli JÁ, Miyashita E. (Org.). Implantodontia Clínica Baseada em Evidência Científica. 1ªed. São Paulo: Quintessence Editora Ltda.; 2013. v.2, p. 1-24.
Mesquita AMM , Souza ROA, Miyashita E, Giannini V, Kojima AN. Obtendo Estética com Trabalhos em Zircônia. In: Callegari A, Chediek W. (Org.). Beleza do Sorriso - Especialidade em Foco. 1st edition. Nova Odessa: Editora Napoleão; 2014. v. 2, p. 288-317.
Souza ROA, Miyashita E, Campos F, Lima JC, Mesquita AMM . Cerâmicas Livres de Metal: Possibilidades e Novas Perspectivas. In: Miyashita E, Pellizer EP, Kimpara ET. (Org.). Reabilitação Oral Contemporânea Baseada em Evidências Científicas. 1ªed. Nova Odessa: Editora Napoleão; 2014. p. 152-211.
Miyashita E, Mesquita AMM, Mello CC, Pellizzer EP, Souza ROA. Sistemas de Prótese CAD/CAM. In: Miyashita E, Pellizzer EP, Kimpara ET. (Org.). Reabilitação Oral Contemporânea Baseada em Evidências Científicas. 1st edition. Nova Odessa: Editora Napoleão; 2014. p. 212-271.
Miyashita E, Mesquita AMM,Kano P, Souza ROA, Giannini V. Coroas Totais. In: Fonseca AS. (Org.). Odontologia Estética - Respostas às dúvidas mais frequentes. 1ªed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. v. 1, p. 175-208.
Mesquita AMM; Miyashita E, Souza ROA, Moura RV, Watinaga S, Shibli JA. A tecnologia CAD/CAM e a zircônia a serviço da prótese sobre implante. In: Marcantonio Júnior E, Sérgio Jorge Jayme SJ, Shibli JA. (Org.). Restaurações implantossuportadas em áreas anteriores: do planejamento à execução. 1ªed. São Paulo: VM Cultural; 2014. v. 1, p. 262-293.
Miyashita E, Mesquita AMM,Teixeira ML, Shibli JA. Oclusão em próteses sobre implantes. In: Restaurações implantossuportadas em áreas anteriores: do planejamento à execução. 1st edition. São Paulo: VM Cultural; 2014. v. 1,p. 294-313.
Miyashita E, Mesquita AMM,Souza ROA, Ferreira JV. Odontologia minimamente invasiva com laminados cerâmicos. In: Miyashita E, Oliveira GG. (Org.). Odontologia Estética - Os desafios da clínica diária. 1st edition. Nova Odessa: Editora Napoleão; 2014. p. 368-401.
DIB LL, Migliorini SE. Disfunção da Articulação Temporomandibular. In: Abrahão M, Neves LR. (Org.). Emergências e urgências em otorrinolaringologia e cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço. 1st edition. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2016. p. 523-536.
Kalil EC, DIB LL. Traumas Dentoalveolares. In: Márcio Abrahão; Luciano Rodrigues Neves. (Org.). Emergências e urgências em otorrinolaringologia e cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço. 1st edition. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2016. p. 537-544.
Tramontin LG, DIB LL. Acidentes e Complicações em Cirurgias Odontológicas. In: Márcio Abrahão; Luciano Rodrigues Neves. (Org.). Emergências e urgências em otorrinolaringologia e cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço. 1st edition. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2016. p. 551-574.
DIB LL, Salazar-Gamarra R. Implantes em Pacientes irradiados. In: Lessa MM, Pinna FR, Abrahão M, Caldas Neto SS. (Org.). Programa de Atualização em Otorrinolaringologia. 1st edition. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2016. p. 111-155.
Lima AF , Monte Alto R .Procedimentos adesivos: a chave para a longevidade clínica In: Monte Alto R . Reabilitação Estética Anterior: O Passo a Passo da Rotina Clínica. Nova Odessa: Editora Napoleão; 2017.
Fantoni DT, Cortopassi SRG, Bernardi MM . Anestésicos inalatórios In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM. Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017. p. 132-142.
Fantoni DT, Cortopassi SRG, Bernardi MM . Anestésicos intravenosos e outros parenterais In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM. Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017. p. 143-152.
Fantoni DT, Cortopassi SRG, Bernardi MM .Anestésicos locais In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM. Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017. p. 154-160.
Bernardi MM, Spinosa HS. Exposição aos medicamentos durante o período do desenvolvimento In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM . Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017, p. 900-908.
Righi DA, Xavier FG, Bernardi MM. Histamina, serotonina e seus antagonistas In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM. Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017. p. 227-238.
Bernardi MM, Gomes COM, Spinosa HS. Medicamentos empregados nos transtornos de comportamento animal : ansiolíticos e antidepressivos. In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM . Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017. p. 195-205.
Bernardi MM, Spinosa HS. Neurotransmissão e classificação de substâncias que atuam no sistema nervoso central In: Spinosa HS, Górniak SL, Bernardi MM. Farmacologia Aplicada à Medicina Veterinária. 6ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2017. p. 123-131.

Prof. Maristela Dutra-Correa, professor of UNIP’s Graduate Program in Dentistry , participated as a co-author of Chapter 12, entitled “Class IV and atypical restorations in anterior teeth” (Anauate Netto C, Lewgoy HR, Carmo ARP, Amore R et al., P.345-377). The chapter describes clinical procedures adopted for the restoration of the shape and function of fractured/cavity affected teeth, dental transformations in diastema closure, modifications of conoid teeth, among others. The book, Dentística – Filosofia, Conceitos e Práticas Clínicas (1st ed. Sao Paulo-SP: Publisher: Artes Médicas) reflects GBPD’s (Brazilian Group of Dentistry Professors) way of thinking regarding the addressed subjects.

Prof. Maristela Dutra-Correa is also a co-author, “Clinical performance of a self-etching adhesive at 18 month” (Perdigao J, Carmo ARPC, Anauate-Netto, Amore R, Lewgoy HR, Cordeiro HJD, Dutra-Correa M, Castilhos N. Am J Dent 2005; 18:135-140), which was selected to be included in the Year Book of Dentistry (2006). This book, published by Elsevier Mosby Publisher, is organized and edited with articles that reported the evolution of Dentistry during the year. The editors selected articles in more than 500 magazines and renowned experts evaluate and comment on the clinical importance of each one, besides discussing their application.

Prof. Maristela Dutra-Correa, from the Odontology Postgraduation Program, is the co-author of the chapter, “Assembly, Calibration and Application of a Hyperspectral Image System for Biomedical Imaging” (Lins EC, Pratavieira S, Shigeyosi WT, Dutra Correa, Bagnato VS, Marcassa LG). The chapter addresses the possibility of diagnosis of cavities by hyperspectral images. This book is a compilation of themes addressed in the World Conference on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, which focused on image diagnosis. In this chapter, the development and characterization of an experimental device to produce hyperspectral images (400-1000 nm) was described. The book "World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering" was edited by Springer Verlag - NY in 2009 and organized by editors Prof. Dr. Olaf Dossel and Prod. Wolfgang C. Schlegel.

In this publication, Prof. Dr. Paschoal Armonia, Director of UNIP’s Institute of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Fátima Neves Faraco collaborated in the publication of chapters concerning Local Anaesthetics. This book approaches aspects of Drug Therapy applied to Dentistry.

This book concerns themes related to radiology and imaging in Dentistry. Prof. Dr. Cláudio Costa has co-authorship in the following chapters:
Chapter 8 - Radiographic localization methods
Authors: Claudio Costa, Felipe Paes Varoli, and Márcio Yara Buscatti
Chapter 23 - Nuclear Magnetic Ressonance Imaging
Authors: Claudio Costa, Felipe Paes Varoli, and Márcio Yara Buscatti

In the book PERIODONTICS AND IMPLANT DENTISTRY AESTHETIC SOLUTIONS AND CLINICAL RESOURCES- Book of the 2nd International Periodontics Conference. 1st ed. São Paulo: Published by Napoleão Editors (2010). Professors Márcio Zaffalon Casati and Fernanda Vieira Ribeiro describe new periodontal surgery concepts in the chapter of title “Minimally-Invasive Surgeries” (p. 173-186).

In the chapter named “Dentistry clinic for the top-notch professional practice” (pages 67-69), in the book NEW PERIODONTAL TREATMENT TRENDS - Piracicaba: Published by Napoleão Editors (2010), Professors Suzana Peres Pimentel, Fabiano Ribeiro Cirano, and Márcio Zaffalon Casati and others, describe how the professional approach may turn patient handling into a top-notch treatment.

In the book of title ADVANCEMENT IN PERIODONTICS AND IMPLANT DENTISTRY: PARADIGMS AND CHALLENGES - 1st edition. São Paulo: Published by Napoleão Editors (2011), professors Márcio Zaffalon Casati, Fernanda Vieira Ribeiro, Renato Correa Viana Casarin and others, explained in chapter 4 the “Similarities and differences between Chronical and Aggressive Periodontitis: from diagnosis to treatment.”

The publication of IMPLANT DENTISTRY IN AESTHETIC AREAS: CURRENT SURGERY AND PROSTHESIS CONCEPTS - 1st edition. Nova Odessa - SP: Published by Napoleão Editors (2011) with the participation of the faculty of UNIP’s Graduate Program in the following chapters:
The paradigm of bone height reconstruction v1, p. 456-473. Ribeiro FV, Casati MZ, Conte A.
The paradigms concerning peri-implant plastic surgery procedures, p. 475-511. Casati MZ, Ribeiro FV, Hayashi F.
Periodontics and Peri-implant aesthetic evaluation, v. 1, p. 21-43. Hayashi F, Cirano FR.

In the book CERAMIC AND METALOCERAMIC RESTORATIONS: AESTHETICS AND PREVISIBILITY OBTENTION DETAILS. São Paulo: Santos (2011), the faculty staff Prof. Dr. Fabiano Cirano participates with a co-authorship in the chapter of title “Criteria in the tooth-gum set planning”, p. 1-11.