Year 2023
Year 2022
- UNIP professor participates in sustainability podcast
- UNIP Organizes International Symposium for Doctoral Students
- UNIP professor participates in the podcast La Fábrica del Café Sensible on Kim Ossenblok's channel
- UNIP professor participates as a lecturer in an event at Beijing Normal University
- UNIP organizes the Tenth Edition of the International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production
- The Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research communicates the February 2022 defenses
- Cleaner Production Advancement Network concludes two seasons of sustainability webinars
- PPGEP-UNIP welcomes Irish student in partnership with the Erasmus Program
- UNIP graduate professors organize and participate in a course on Cleaner Production
- Cleaner Production Advancement Network concludes two seasons of sustainability webinars
Year 2021
- 12/31/2021 - PPGEP-UNIP hosts Irish student in partnership with the Erasmus Program
- 12/04/2021 - UNIP professor participates as a lecturer in an event at Beijing Normal University
- 11/11/2021 - UNIP organizes the Tenth Edition of the International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production
- 08/11/2021 - PPGEP professor participates in interviews in different media outlets
- 03/23/2021 - PPGEP-UNIP members participate in ACPN's international roundtable
Year 2020
- 12/17/2020 - UNIP PPGEP professors teach online course to Beijing Normal University
- 11/17/2020 - PPGEP professors participate in the XX UNIP Scientific Meeting
- 09/09/2021 - UNIP professor participates in scientific events at renowned Brazilian universities
- 08/28/2020 - UNIP researcher is quoted in Italian online newspaper
- 07/28/2020 - UNIP is a signatory to a Scientific Cooperation Agreement with CHAIR UNESCO
- 08/03/2020 - UNIP professors participate in webinars promoted by the Network of Advances in Cleaner Production
- 07/14/2020 - UNIP researchers pay tribute to Enzo Tiezzi's work and legacy in scientific paper
- 06/30/2020 - UNIP professor participates in international webinar cycle
- 06/26/2020 - UNIP organizes the Ninth International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production online
- 02/14/2020 - UNIP is the protagonist in an international circular economy event held in China
- 02/04/2020 - UNIP organizes Eighth International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production in China
- 02/03/2020 - Unison's Master's Degree in Sustainability student exchanges at UNI's PPGEPP
- 01/28/2020 - University researcher of Ireland participates as visiting professor of PPGEP-UNIP
Year 2019
- 09/25/2019 - UNIP Professor Organizes International School on Advances in Cleaner Production in Mexico
- 09/17/2019 - UNIP professor presents lectures and participates in meetings in China
- 08/27/2019 - Professor at PPGEP-UNIP carries out scientific activities at the University of Sonora
- 07/16/2019 - PPGEP research resonates in international media
- 07/04/2019 - UNIP professor participates in scientific events in Romania
- 03/15/2019 - International Scientific Society classifies UNIP PPGEP professors as the most productive
Year 2018
- 12/19/2018 - UNIP Professor is awarded with Academic Recognition Award Rubens Lara
- 09/28/2018 - Professores do PPGEP participam do Décimo Oitavo Encontro Científico da UNIP
- 09/28/2018 - Professor visitante ministra workshop sobre Economia Circular
- 09/14/2018 - Professora da UNIP ministra curso e apresenta palestras na China
- 06/08/2018 - Professor de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção participa de evento no IFSULDEMINAS
- 04/24/2018 - PPGEP's professor teaches lecture at UNIP's Engineering Day
- 03/06/2018 - Production Engineering Postgraduation Professor grants interview on Industrial Ecology
- 02/28/2018 - UNIP professor attends a Solid Waste Encounter in Pernambuco
- 02/28/2018 - Partnership between Universidade de Sonora and UNIP brings two more students to Brazil
- 02/28/2018 - Master’s course students from Universidade de Sonora conduct research activities with the PPGEP of UNIP
- 02/28/2018 - UNIP professor attends an international congress at a university in Peru
- 02/28/2018 - UNIP PPGEP Professor conducts academic activities in China
- 02/28/2018 - PVisiting Professor of the University of Denver carries out activities in PPGEP
Year 2017
- 10/24/2017 - Seventeenth Scientific Encounter at UNIP campuses
- 04/08/2017 - Lecturers at the Cleaner Production Workshop give interview to Época NEGÓCIOS
- 04/08/2017 - Sixth International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production
- 28/07/2017 - UNIP professor attends a Latin American event on Sustainable Development
- 05/23/2017 - UNIP receives international researchers in a workshop on global advances for cleaner production
- 03/28/2017 - Production Engineering Program receives professor from the Trinity College Dublin University
Year 2016
- 12/23/2016 - UNIP professor conducts scientific activities in the University of Sonora
- 12/20/2016 - UNIP delegation will conduct academic activities in China
- 09/13/2016 - Sixteenth Scientific Meeting on the UNIP campuses
- 08/18/2016 - Production Engineering Doctorate Professors have an outstanding position in the Ecological Engineering magazine
- 08/17/2016 - UNIP professor grants an interview to Record News
- 05/03/2016 - Santos campus student has a project approved by Fapesp
- 03/02/2016 - Student from the University of Sonora conducts studies in the Graduate Program of UNIP
Year 2015
- 10/21/2015 - Fifth International Workshop on Cleaner Production Advances on the Indianópolis campus
- 10/02/2015 - Graduate students from the University of Sonora conducts research at UNIP
- 04/02/2015 - UNIP professors participate in the International Meeting on Sustainability
- 03/31/2015 - Student from the Graduate Program of the University of Sonora conducts studies at UNIP
- 01/14/2015 - UNIP professors publish the second volume of book by Nova Science Publisher
Year 2014
- 12/23/2014 - Student from the University of Sonora conducts research in the Graduate Program of UNIP
- 10/15/2014 - Professor from the University of Siena conducts research activities in the PPGEP
- 10/06/2014 - Scientific Initiation student in the Tatuapé campus publishes article in magazine
- 09/05/2014 - UNIP professor teaches course in the University of Sonora, in Mexico
- 06/27/2014 - Agreement between UNIP and Universidade UNISON fosters the visit of Mexican students to Brazil
- 05/27/2014 - Workshop on Waste Management is held by a Cuban specialist
- 04/16/2014 - Indianópolis campus promotes Workshop on 21st century engineering
- 06/03/2014 - Graduate Program hosts visiting professor from Mexican university for workshop
Year 2013
- 05/24/2013 - Fourth International Workshop gathers researchers in Cleaner Production
- 05/07/2013 - Workshop ‘Evaluation of the Life Cycle as a Tool for Process Improvement’
- 04/08/2013 - UNIP Post-Graduation hosts researcher from the University of Sonora
- 02/21/2013 - UNISON conducts research at UNIP
Year 2012
- 08/17/2012 - Book by UNIP professors receives a review from the Journal of Cleaner Production
- 08/14/2012 - UNIP Graduate Program counts with the participation of professors from the University of Sonora
- 08/09/2012 - Visiting professor conducts workshop on the Writing of Scientific Papers
- 05/17/2012 - UNIP doctorate student is granted with CAPES scholarship abroad
- 01/02/2012 - UNIP professors publish book by Nova Science Publisher
Year 2011
- 11/07/2011 - UNIP professors participate as lecturers at INTA event
- 10/07/2011 - Students from the University of Sonora participate in the academic activities of UNIP
- 08/11/2011 - Researchers gather at UNIP for the Third International Workshop on Cleaner Production
Year 2010
- 12/20/2010 - UNIP holds conference and visits research facilities at Inta
- 12/20/2010 - Professor and students from the University of Sonora participate in the academic activities of UNIP
- 11/26/2010 - Student from the Graduate Program in Production Engineering receives award at the Sixth Saepro
- 08/12/2010 - UNIP students have a prominent participation at Top China 2010
- 06/28/2010 - UNIP professor teaches course in the University of Sonora
- 05/18/2010 - Book edited by CRC Press has the authorship of UNIP professors
- 04/19/2010 - UNIP receives Acknowledgement Certificate from the University of Sonora
- 03/17/2010 - UNIP professors are editors of the Journal of Cleaner Production
Year 2009
- 12/08/2009 - UNIP hosts Meeting and Workshop on climate changes
- 12/03/2009 - Academic interchange between Universidade Paulista and the University of Sonora is intensified
- 11/10/2009 - Experts debate on themes addressed in the book O cerrado e o seu brilho
- 10/06/2009 - UNIP establishes partnership with Santander Universidades
- 09/22/2009 - UNIP delegation will conduct academic interchange in China
- 09/15/2009 - Scientific Meetings and Scientific Initiation occur on several campuses
- 06/30/2009 - International Workshop on Cleaner Production Advances gather researchers from different countries
- 05/22/2009 - José Goldemberg participates in the opening of the 2nd International Workshop Advances in Cleaner Production
- 04/25/2009 - UNIP and FIESP gather to promote Cleaner Production
- 03/24/2009 - Workshop addresses clean production in the industries
- 01/09/2009 - UNIP professor receives Navy Friend medal
Year 2008
- 08/12/2008 - UNIP is the author of an article in international scientific journal
- 02/19/2008 - International event gathers specialists in Cleaner Production
Year 2007
- 10/02/2007 - Scientific Meeting and Scientific Initiation of UNIP/PIBIC-CNPq
- 10/01/2007 - NPPR (USA) director will deliver conference at UNIP
- 06/13/2007 - American specialist in Cleaner Production will deliver conference at UNIP
Year 2006
- 10/19/2006 - Ufscar delegation visits research premises at UNIP
- 09/14/2006 - São Paulo Municipal Chamber makes elation vote for UNIP
- 06/09/2006 - Course integrates undergraduate and graduate of UNIP
- 06/06/2006 - Industrial Ecology - Concepts, Tools and Applications
- 05/03/2006 - Scientific American Brasil interviews UNIP professor
Year 2005
- 12/28/2005 - Udesc representatives visit research facilities at UNIP
- 12/05/2005 - Best-seller has the authorship of UNIP professors
- 10/06/2005 - UNIP is the signatory of UN International Statement for the Environment
- 09/28/2005 - III Cleaner Production Conference of São Paulo
- 05/20/2005 - Environment and Engineering: Sustainability Indicators